1. きびしさとやさしさをあわ せ持つケンシンの姉。つつ ましやかで上品、つねに落ちつ着いている Kenshin's sister who can be both strict and kind. Modest and elegant, and always calm. 2. 気が強く、負けずぎらいだが根はやさしく仲間思い。 モテないことをひそかにな やんでいる Strong-willed and hates to lose, but kind and reliable on the inside. Secretly worried about not being very popular. 3. 明るく前向きなせいかく。 ふらりと旅に出ることが多 く、そのすがたはあちこち の国で見かけられている Bright and positive personality. Often goes on surprise trips, and he has been seen in many countries around the world. 4. りりしく、才気にあふれた 少年。いちずで正義感が強 いが、前に出ることはせず つねにものしずか A brave and gifted young boy. He is earnest and has a strong sense of justice, but doesn't step forward and always stays quiet. 5. ランセさいきょうとうたわ れる名ブショー。味方なら たのもしく、敵ならこれほ どおそろしい者もいない Is said to be the strongest general in RANSE. Relied on by his friends, feared by his enemies more than anyone else. 6. りんとした女ブショー。タ ダカツを父に持ち、みずか らもブショーをきわめんと まっすぐどりょくしている A strong female general. As the daugher of Tadakatsu, she works hard towards becoming the ultimate general. 7. いきで面白いことをこのみ ふらふらとあちこちを流れ ある/歩いているが、ブショーと してもかなりの実力を持つ Likes fun and interesting things and tends to walk around aimlessly, but is also a quite strong general. 8. 思ったことをそのまま口に して、しばしばまわりとぶ つかるが、頭がよく、受け たおんは決してわすれない Says what he thinks directly, which sometimes gets him into arguments, but is smart, and would never forget a debt of honor. 9. がんこで、めったに自分の 意見を曲げることがない。 皮肉屋に見えるが、じゅん すいで一本気なせいかく Stubborn, rarely changes his own opinion. Might be seen as sarcastic, but his personality is pure and straightforward. 10. 男気あふれるたんじゅんな せいかく。深く考えないた めしっぱいも多いが、決し てめげない前向きさを持つ Simple personality overflowing with manly spirit. Doesn't tend to think things through and therefore often makes mistakes, but is never discouraged and always positive.