01/15/25, 01:42
#634 | Zweilous | Pokédex Strategy Moves Database | Larvesta | #636 |
Statistics ⇓
Abilities ⇓
Levitate | Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves. This Pokemon does not take damage from Ground moves. |
Damage Taken ⇓
Evolution ⇓
First Stage | Second Stage | Final Stage | ||
Deino | Zweilous |
Hydreigon |
Flavour Text |
Game ⇓ | Flavour Text ⇓ |
Black | This brutal Pokémon travels the skies on its six wings. Anything that moves seems like a foe to it, triggering its attack. |
White | The heads on their arms do not have brains. They use all three heads to consume and destroy everything. |
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