View Full Version : 4chan

08-05-2012, 03:48 AM
Do we have any other /b/tards around here? Yeah, I'm talking about the best imageboard in the universe. /mlp/ is best BTW.
(WARNING: 99.99% OF CONTENT ON 4CHAN IS NSFW, or at least 60%. Only for mature people.)

EDIT: Wait a second, I hope this isn't considered advertising.

08-05-2012, 04:21 AM
>Going on /b/
>Going on the worst board
>Poisoning your brain
>Looking at crap
>Enjoying it

Patriot, pls.

I haven't explored much of 4chan, but I mainly go on /v/ to unleash my hate. I'm checking out /a/ a lot these days, though.

08-05-2012, 04:23 AM
I don't get it, but yes, I have been there. Some of the images are rather... Disturbing. Hence why I don't think this thread is age perfect for some members.
I do use the images there, as it is where I got my awesome WORST MUSIC TASTE signature from. XD

08-05-2012, 04:41 AM
I go on /b/. i take one look at the pictures. I put 4chan in my list of websites that i will never go on ever.

08-05-2012, 06:09 AM
4Chan isn't as bad as you think. /b/ itself has done numerous things to help society. (http://gawker.com/5622237/how-4chan-brought-the-evil-british-cat-lady-to-justice) The widely known "hacktivist" group, Anonymous, originated from 4Chan, which did and is still doing things to try and keep our internet free of monitoring. If enough attention is brought toward a certain problem magical things can happen. But on a less serious note, I get many of my favorite images and stories from 4Chan; even if they're a bit NSFW. You just learn to get used to those things and have fun. There's a worksafe gif board that was recently added that has some really great stuff on it as well. All and all, I'm proud to be a regular 4Chan user.

08-07-2012, 10:27 AM
To be honest I have never even bothered looking at it. Why? where I come from the rep of 4chan is really bad and I have heard really bad things about them. Guess I should check it out with my own eyes.

08-08-2012, 04:21 PM
I only look at 4chan when someone else posts a link to it and there's no (NSFB/NSFW) message attached. I've seen some pretty funny stuff before and thankfully, I haven't seen the things that give 4chan its reputation.

08-08-2012, 04:42 PM
I mainly only visit /vp/ if I am to go on that site. You can find some pretty great Pokemon images if you dig in there. Everything else is too graphic/dumb for me.

08-08-2012, 05:00 PM
My one (emphasis on one) friend from school [other than Mizuki] used to tease me about he thought I visited 4chan frequently, when I've honestly never gone there on my own free will, I only stumble upon it sometimes. I've found that it's hard to be a part of other communities since I'm so attached to this one that I probably wouldn't enjoy posting or even looking over there anyways.

08-08-2012, 09:17 PM
If you ask me, there's no hacktivist group called Anonymous. Why? Look at their name, Anonymous. They can be anywhere and nowhere, I do not believe they're a group sitting together and hacking everything. I believe they are just people with a nice amount of knowledge scattered all around the world. Anyone who claims they are Anonymous are usually just young people that are trying to troll people on teh webz.

I personally like 4chan alot. I mainly go to the /mlp/ board and look at all the crazy stuff there.

08-08-2012, 09:42 PM
If you ask me, there's no hacktivist group called Anonymous. Why? Look at their name, Anonymous. They can be anywhere and nowhere, I do not believe they're a group sitting together and hacking everything. I believe they are just people with a nice amount of knowledge scattered all around the world. Anyone who claims they are Anonymous are usually just young people that are trying to troll people on teh webz.

Be right back, I think I need to go cry inside a pit of acid.

The Arrow
08-11-2012, 05:02 PM
I don't think I've ever seen disturbing images on 4chan like other people have, but I have had bad experiences with it numerous amounts of times. So much for posting it, eh?

08-12-2012, 05:22 AM
Only go on /g/ and the League general thread on /vg/. The other boards all suck unless you're into hardcore graphic porn or anime. Sometimes the two combined. Used to browse /b/ casually a long time ago. Then moot decided it was cool to force his own memes (PUDDI) and nothing of value has come from there in a million years.