View Full Version : Cheating

09-09-2015, 02:56 PM
Do you like to cheat? Do you think that cheating can be justified in certain situations? How do you feel when you see someone else cheating when you spent so much time and effort doing the same thing fair and square?

For me, usually when I see some of my classmates cheating on tests, I just don't care. The first thing that comes to my head is "You better not get caught or else you'll be ****ed." While it's wrong, they have a goal, which is to pass the subject. Why should I actively try to stop them from passing? What does it have to do with me anyway? I don't know, I've never been bothered when I see other people cheat on tests that I spent hours studying for. Maybe it's because they never ended up getting a higher score than me anyway.

I also feel like cheating is "okay" in certain (school) situations. First off, it's not okay in any major tests or exams. But if it's something small like homework, I personally don't see much to be worried about as long as the person knows and understands the lesson, which is the whole point of having the homework in the first place. "Cheating" in this case would be saving time and effort.

Now if we're talking about tournaments and competitions, cheating is wrong. It usually takes the fun out of the competition.

I can't think of anything else from the top of my head. Go.

09-09-2015, 03:28 PM
x made this topic because he was being cheated on most likely

09-09-2015, 09:23 PM
Head down, shoot straight. I used to literally hunch over my desk to hide the paper if I thought someone was trying to cheat off me. You wouldn't even copy the answers to someone's homework under my watch (though admittedly, "dragonite helping people with their math homework" usually tended towards "dragonite doing other peoples' math homework for free").

09-09-2015, 09:30 PM
Pfftt, In math I double dare someone to even attempt to want to cheat on me. I bet you'll get all the answers wrong, that's for sure. In other subjects I'm pretty good in. I really don't care if someone is cheating on something minor like homework, but if it's a competition or something then I can get pretty angry about it. Like just don't, it's not fair and takes the fun away.

09-09-2015, 09:36 PM
If I see someone cheating of me I usually don't care too much either but it is fun to give them a stare to make them feel guilty, especially if they are very annoying about it. The only time I ever activity try to stop someone to stop cheating on me is if I am 100% sure they don't understand the lesson and they just want to leech off of my work.

09-09-2015, 09:59 PM
I'm a dirty cheater and proud of it. I only cheat off of homework and stuff, and I'll let other people cheat off of my work because if I'm going down, I'm taking as many people with me as I can. We all suffer together. :p

09-09-2015, 10:04 PM
I don't cheat, and I do not prefer people cheating, although, unless it is a major exam, it isn't a huge deal. As for relationships, don't cheat, ever.

x made this topic because he was being cheated on most likely
You have to actually be in a relationship to be cheated on.

09-09-2015, 10:05 PM
GOD DAMN..............

09-09-2015, 10:06 PM
You have to actually be in a relationship to be cheated on.


09-09-2015, 10:20 PM

Other than certain circumstances (like if someone is having a really bad day/week and didn't do their homework, or if I'm in a study group of some kind), I don't let other people cheat from me, especially if it's a test (no freebies on those.)

The reason I do this is that a lot of my classes have always punished both people if someone is cheating, unless the other person obviously has no idea about it. Just study the material/ask the teacher for another day if you were absent or whatever. Why should I be punished when you were a lazy person?

Oh, and for any people who cheat in relationships: YOU SUCK

09-10-2015, 12:18 AM
Okay I'm going to respond to the actual thread topic and then to relationship cheating since people brought that up too.

I don't think it's really my job to condemn people who cheat on tests/exams/assignments etc. However, I think it can be extremely disrespectful to cheat off of someone who does not know that you're taking their answers and claiming ownership. I remember one of my friends just getting completely grilled by the teacher because her tablemate had taken her answers word for word on a test without telling her and the teacher didn't trust that she had originally done the work/hadn't purposefully given the person next to her answers. So I guess basically I think plagiarism is just... not cool. If someone did the work and another didn't, the other person shouldn't be receiving credit for the work that someone else did. I don't really care about the grade so much as I believe it's unfair to take advantage of the hard work of others for personal benefit.
Bear in mind I also realize cheating is often much more innocuous than copying someone's entire essay, but at its extremes I think cheating can be really uncool and unfair to those being cheated off of.

In terms of relationship cheating, I have insanely strong feelings about this so I'll attempt to be brief instead of going on a lengthy angry rant that no one asked for. Cheating is one of the cruelest things you can do to your partner. It's emotionally scarring, it's unnecessary, and it's just all around incredibly selfish. If your relationship is not going well, either break up or woman up and work it out dang it. Cheating is the coward's way of mending what lacks in a relationship. I realize that there are a ton of messed up standards in a lot of communities regarding marriage and divorce and that some people feel trapped but ffs that is almost never (if ever) an excuse for causing severe emotional damage to someone who you've made a commitment to. I honestly laughed gleefully when the whole Ashley Madison hack stuff went down--that is how strongly I despise spousal/relationship-al cheating (though after this initial glee I honestly felt more sorry for those who had been cheated on than happy about the pain/embarrassment of those who were revealed as cheaters :/). JUST DON'T DO IT GOSH DARN IT.

09-10-2015, 04:24 AM
For cheating in class, I will admit. I cheat, a lot, especially in high school. To be fair, I think cheating was one reason that got me in high school, because I don't believe that I am smart at all. I kind of stopped during college because I don't want to run the risk of getting kicked out, and honestly, I feel better about myself when I get an A on a test, since I felt great instead of guilty this time around. The only cheating that I have done was looking at a test, I have never plagiarized or had the need to plagiarize a paper or a speech. The idea of copying one's personal work and calling it your own idea isn't cool in my book.

As for relationships, just don't do it. Let your dreams be memes and don't do it. Kind of a personal story, I found out that my first girlfriend was cheating on my behind my back before we broke up. The mistake was that I was in contact with the person she cheated on via Facebook. Now they are done and she never talks to me as friends. Cheating in relationships never end well.

09-10-2015, 02:33 PM
I remember when I was in 2nd year university, I had a final in a tiny seminar room that could fit 20 people at most. Everyone that I was sitting around, either had a small sheet with the answers written down or had their phones out looking up answers. The thing that surprises me the most was that the prof did not notice ANY of them. If he did, he clearly didn't care. I sat there for 5 minutes pondering whether if this was real life or whatever a curious 19 year old boy thinks about. This particular moment opened my eyes to the world of cheating and getting away with alot in life. Do I agree with it? Not really.

This is how I view cheating on tests. If you are going to put in extra effort into getting away with (ie NOT GETTING CAUGHT) cheating, you might as well study instead of putting in all that extra effort.

I remember when I was in high school, my math teacher was telling us about this student who printed off a coke label that had equations that replaced the small text on the *******, and she only even noticed because she was a math nerd and gets a hard on for equations. If you're going to do that, just go study instead of putting in this extra effort to cheat.

For those of you saying cheating doesn't require extra effort, you have clearly never cheated before.

09-20-2015, 12:37 AM
I know I'm probably a bad person for saying this, but I have to say it. I don't normally cheat for stuff like tests or things like that. But if I really have no clue about an answer, and I'm stressed about it, there's just something that makes me want to try to find the answer non-morally, like cheating. In school, whenever I do it, I feel like I can get away with it due to my "good student" image, that just has a few quirks. I do it more often in competitions and it just comes out like that despite my best efforts to try and control it. I'm very competitive and think that if I'm not the best, I don't feel too good about myself.

09-20-2015, 01:16 AM
This is probably the second time I've posted 3 times in the same thread.

I've cheated a lot lmao. I'm doing whatever it takes to get me to success, whether the methods are "moral" or not. It's one of my many faults and while I do study for other classes, if I had a chance to cheat without getting caught, I'd do it. I'm just trying to make it through.

Relationship wise, I think everyone else's post sum up my opinions haha

09-20-2015, 04:17 AM
not like you're learning **** in high school or doing anything useful with it, imo cheating is bad but who cares if you do it. it's easier just to know the answers tho

i got cheated on lmfao dont do it