View Full Version : How do you all wake up in the morning?

01-13-2016, 03:07 AM
Having returned to college for my final semester, I find it difficult to get up every morning. Some people might have trouble literally waking up, but my trouble is shaking the drowsiness off and actually getting out of bed. Some days I can do it fine, but others I feel like I want to just lie in bed for another two hours. Of course, most days I can't afford to do that..

So that brings me to my question - How do you get up in the morning? What do you use to motivate you to start your day? Is it just thinking about the looming obligations (like work or school) that you have to fulfill, or do you have another method?

Personally, when it comes to school days where I have to get up, I usually set an alarm about 15 or 30 minutes ahead of when I want to get up, then another one at the time I actually want to get up. When I wake up the first time, I stay in bed for 15 minutes or so, and when my second alarm goes off I'm generally awake enough to actually get up. Some days I also play mobile games that require some form of concentration to shock me awake, if the drowsiness really isn't going away.

01-13-2016, 03:12 AM
It depends on whether I'm in school or not. Usually, no matter what I wake up through my own internal clock. I do tend to wake up at the same general time. (When I'm off) I just get up whenever really.

Other times, I either use my own phone as an alarm for school, or sometimes my parents get me up.

01-13-2016, 03:12 AM
Majoraaaaaa. Here's a PRO tip for getting up earlier. Do not check your phone in bed. try and make it so that you're only allowed checking it while sitting up. Set up your phone charger at your desk or something. It will make you get up quicker. i swear the inventions of smart phones made everyone stay in bed for an extra 30 minutes.

01-13-2016, 03:19 AM
Tainers14 that's a very good point - I just lazily stare at Twitter and FB when I do that, so that's why I've started to do that alarm thing and put it away from my bed. It works most of the time, but there are days where I give in to the temptation...
ShadowMr.L When I have a set schedule at work or school, my internal clock also tends to do the job, but it's the getting up part that defeats me every time. xD
But the alarm is what I tend to do as well. I also have a rommate now so it's hard for both of us to just not do anything, I guess. = P

01-13-2016, 03:22 AM
So if I need to wake up for a early class (like at 8 am), I normally set my alarm for 40 minutes before class starts, to accommodate for getting to the dining hall, eating breakfast (breakfast is the most important meal of the day, after all), and getting to the classroom. Of course, what actually happens is I set the alarm, and I wake up like 15 minutes before the alarm, groan, stretch, get out of bed, and then turn off the alarm, and hate myself as I struggle to put pants on. If I was in no rush to wake up (like I have class in the afternoon, or something), I'd probably lie in bed and sleep until I realize that I should probably get up and get breakfast before the dining hall closes to prepare for the lunch rush, so I won't waste a meal on crappy lunch foods.

01-13-2016, 05:18 AM
What motivation I have no idea what motivation is. :^)

In all seriousness, I just get yelled at to get up in the morning. School on my end is a mess. At the latest, I can wake up at 5:15 just to catch the bus, which arrives at my stop at almost exactly 6. If I could set my sleeping patterns to fit my schedule, I would, but my school is just too crazy about doing work outside of class and I've naturally developed the abiilty to stay up 'til about 1 or 2 in the morning. I know, not healthy, but that's the way my life works.

01-13-2016, 05:44 AM
er, "morning?"

Most of the time I get up pretty reliably at about 11:30 or 11:45 (I guess that's still technically morning) without any outside interference. The nice thing about having a night shift is that nobody can get too mad at me for doing that every day :^)

When I was in school, I learned that sticking the (very loud) alarm clock somewhere where I'd have to actually get up and walk around to turn it off did a pretty good job of actually waking me up. Which I'm sure my roommates were very happy about.


what the crap is that?

01-13-2016, 11:48 AM
When I was still in school, I usually set one alarm at 5:50 and another one at 6:00. I'd turn off both of them while still half asleep and then my mother would wake me up at around 6:20. Not the way I planned, but it always worked.
Right now I don't really have anything to do, so I just wake up whenever. Usually around 11.

01-13-2016, 05:11 PM
I see no reason to waste time in bed so I always get up as soon as possible. It's not like getting 10 extra minutes of sleep or whatever will really affect my day, while being able to take the additional time to get ready/eat in the morning goes a long way.

01-14-2016, 02:58 AM
I see no reason to waste time in bed so I always get up as soon as possible. It's not like getting 10 extra minutes of sleep or whatever will really affect my day, while being able to take the additional time to get ready/eat in the morning goes a long way.

This is a great mindset to have. Good for you.

And no, I am not being sarcastic.

01-15-2016, 12:44 AM
I'm a heavy sleeper, so I typically set maybe four or five different alarms every night to the same time to help to get myself awake enough to actually do something. I'll give myself enough time every morning to eat breakfast, check my Emails, and check over last night's homework, and ride my bike over to school(I ride my bike even if it's icy snow outside, lol).

01-30-2016, 06:25 PM
When I do have school, or some other reason to wake up early, I set an alarm 1.5 hrs ahead of when I need to leave the house.

If I've no reason to be awake at a certain time, I'll just sleep until I wake up whenever the hell I want.

11-09-2016, 11:51 PM
I wake up and unplug myself from the wall then oil myself before I get ready to serve my master bree

11-11-2016, 01:53 AM
alarm at 5:45
"****, it's 6:30"
get up
brush teeth
throw on some clothes
leave at 6:45

11-28-2016, 01:31 AM
I'm still in high school so it's a bit different. On a normal day I can wake myself up around 6:20 but when my mom works in the morning my parents have to wake me up around 5:30 which is a pain because I'm not ready to get out of bed and usually sit there doing nothing until I can get out of bed. I take a shower every morning which helps wake me up and brush my teeth and then ride to school and eat breakfast there.