Welcome to the PokéCheats Forums.
Keep up to date on current community events by clicking on NEWS! Also rules are in here so READ THEM.
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Here at Pokécheats, feedback is important. Post in here if you have any suggestions that could help improve the site.
Life isn’t always just about video games or media; it’s a big world out there! Discussion that doesn’t go anywhere else goes here!
Talk about all different kinds of media (that aren't video games) here - from television to movies!
Unleash your innermost, dormant imagination and share your works with your fellow community members! Stories, fanfiction, drawings, GFX, and even photography; the possibilities are endless!
If you can’t love yourself how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?
This section is loosely moderated so let your inner spammer and troll run wild! Any random posts or forum games belong here. Let the games begin!
Talk about video games that aren't about catching pocket monsters here!
These threads are dead, just like your childhood!
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Most users ever online was 7,938, 05-21-2021 at 09:43 PM.
Welcome to our newest member, MetalFaceAngel