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Thread: 4th Gen on PO?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    4th Gen on PO?

    Hello everyone, i have realized through battling in 5th Gen, that i do not like it very much, and i was wondering, do people still play OU 4th Gen on PO?? or has everyone moved to 5th Gen.

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  2. #2

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    You can find quite a lot of people who still uses the Gen 4 ladder on PO, i wouldn't say it's dead but it's damn near close.

  3. #3

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    4th gen is far superior to 5th, imo. So, I used to play it quite often, and there were plenty of people playing with me, but that was months ago, so idk.
    I am garbage

  4. #4

    DDwhiscash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paddyod View Post
    4th gen is far superior to 5th, imo.
    Everyone says this with every Gen transition. The only "Perfect Metagame" is that of First Gen., but it isn't played as much (sadly). I guess what I've learned from my time away is learn to cope. All gens are fun imo and none deserve being put over the other. Least that's my view on things. As to regards for this thread. There aren't really that much people laddering on 4th gen (took me a whole 25 mins just to find one match). If your really serious about playing it. I'd just suggest that you have a lot of patience and something to do while laddering.
    The ORIGINAL purple username member of TU

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