Figured since many of the users here are big on Fire Emblem, it's worth making a discussion thread on Fates. It came out in North America today, and is set to release in Europe sometime before 2030.
Any discussion on FE Fates belongs here!
I'll probably get the game soon, and I'll be running Nohr first because edgedark. Will post my opinions once I get it later!
So, I got both games in the mail on Saturday. They decided to be a day late for whatever reason. I started playing BR.
So I'm around chapter 11 or so of the Nohr route, and I'm loving this game so far. All of the new mechanics seem great and are a breath of fresh air, and the difficulty curve is great! I feel as if everytime I lose a unit (before resetting of course), it's because I screwed up. It feels really fair and more challenging that the enemies can use the same pair-up/tag team mechanics that you can!
My favorite characters so far are Effie and Niles. Effie has a great personality, and the Knight class feels great because it can be paired up with a mobile unit! Niles is everything I've ever wanted in an FE character: Great design, unique class, crazy stats and growths almost like he were a Mercenary, funny lines, his capture mechanic, and HE CAN BE GAY WITH ME THIS AMAZING.
also, treehouse is memeing this game so hard
So, I've played through Birthright and Conquest.
Both were fun to play. Neither one was very difficult, but that's because I played normal/classic. I imagine hard would have been a challenge. the only parts I found challenging were conquest ch 11 (fucķing defense chapters) and birthright plg 19 (recruiting that guy was difficult). In Birthright, Hinoka and Ryoma are amazing units; same for Camilla and Xander in Conquest. The story for both were not all that great compared to other FE games, but I'm hearing that the real story is in Revelation, so I'll play that before I make a judgement on the plot. The ost, as with every other FE game, was amazing.
I'm a go do a BR PMU now.
all the scholars of the future shall look back on this game and think that our generation had **** taste in entertainment.
and they will not be wrong.
best fire emblem