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Thread: Pokemon Distribution on the GTS!

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    Pokemon Distribution on the GTS!

    1. Pick a Pokémon
    Before entering the GTS, you'll need to pick which Pokémon you want to receive. There are a few ways of doing this. Currently, you can:

    2. Change your internet settings
    Once you've picked the Pokémon you want, then you can setup your game to connect our GTS. Make sure that you already have a working internet connection in your game, and then follow the instructions below to change your connection settings:

    If you use a 3DS console with Pokémon BW or B2W2, then...

    If you use a DSi console with Pokémon BW or B2W2, then...

    If you use Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver (on any console), then...

    3. Visit the GTS
    After you've changed your internet settings, turn on your game. When you visit the GTS, you'll receive the Pokémon you wanted! There are two important things to keep in mind:
    • Make sure you have a full team of 6 Pokémon BEFORE visiting the GTS.
    • If you use BW or B2W2, make sure you choose GTS. The GTS Negotiations option will not work.

    Connection troubleshooting tips:
    If you still go to the real GTS instead of mine, or if you experience a connection error upon entering, then...
    • Try setting the Secondary DNS to
    • If you use a DSi with BW or B2W2, make sure your connection is in Advanced Setup.
    • Delete other connections you aren't using, and make sure you only have 1 connection saved on your console. The 3DS and DSi can store up to 6 connections, so check thoroughly. On the 3DS, 3 connections are in Internet Connections and 3 more are in Nintendo DS Connections. On the DSi, you'll see 3 connections in Connection Settings, but 3 more are hidden in Advanced Setup.
    • Try unplugging your router(s) and modem(s) that you are using to connect to the internet.
    • Make sure your internet service provider isn't forcing you to use their DNS. If they are enforcing strict DNS, then you will need to use an internet connection from a different service provider. Make sure you resend your Pokémon if you use a different internet connection.
    • Double check that your Primary DNS address is set to
    • Ensure that you have a working internet connection.
    • Make sure that your computer and DS are both using the same internet connection. This is necessary because my GTS tracks Pokémon requests by your IP address.
    • Try sending a different Pokémon to the GTS.

    Legality troubleshooting tips:
    In the future, I have plans to eventually include a legality checker in the Online Pokesav, to verify Pokémon data during creation. For now, here are some general legality tips if you're struggling to get your Pokémon to pass Nintendo's online hack checks:

    In order for a Pokémon to pass Nintendo's hack checks for online play, you must make sure that the Pokémon doesn't exceed the game's natural limits. Invalid moves, or incorrect met-at levels and met-at locations are common mistakes. If you have any guide books on hand, I would strongly recommend verifying your Pokémon's details while you are creating it. If not, try using an online guide or our Pokédex allowed movesets for each Pokémon. Most people forget to specify a PID value for their Pokémon. The PID is mathematically related to the Pokémon's ability, gender, nature, and IV's; and is considered to be a means of verifying this information. If you don't have strict IV requirements for your Pokémon, then feel free to use the PID generator that is built into the Online Pokésav (just checkmark the "Automatically fix PID" option). Otherwise, if you want to generate a PID for a Pokémon that has very high IVs, then I would recommend using an offline PID generator.

    Using the offline PID generator:
    If you do not get the PID that you want, then try different IV combinations. Pay close attention to the information that appears under a PID. You need to look up the Pokémon in a guide book to see what abilities it can learn. The PID generator swaps these values for the PID (its just a confusing bug for this PID generator, it doesn't apply to other PID generators). For example, if this PID generator gives you a PID for "Ability 1", then you want to give your Pokémon the second ability that is listed in the guide book. If this PID generator gives you a PID for "Ability 2", then you want to give your Pokémon the first ability that is listed in the guide book. Instead of typing the name of the nature that you want the PID to have, you have to look up the value for that nature. The read-me has a list of the value that each nature corresponds to. You also need to make sure that the Pokémon's gender matches the PID's gender value. You will need to look up the Pokémon in a guide book to find out what percentage of that Pokémon will be female. If the Pokémon has a 12.5% chance of being female, then the PID's gender value needs to be between 0 and 30 inclusive, otherwise it will be male. If the Pokémon has a 25% chance of being female, then the PID's gender value needs to be between 0 and 63 inclusive, otherwise it will be male. If the Pokémon has a 50% chance of being female, then the PID's gender value needs to be between 0 and 126 inclusive, otherwise it will be male. If the Pokémon has a 75% chance of being female, then the PID's gender value needs to be between 0 and 190 inclusive, otherwise it will be male. The gender value of the PID can be ignored for gender-less Pokémon, and Pokémon that always have the same gender.

    Frequently asked questions:
    Q: Whenever I type my game changes the address to Is this a problem?
    A: It is normal for the game to add preceding 0's to the address. There's nothing to worry about, and the GTS should work as expected.

    Q: How do I receive a Pokémon? Do I need to trade for it? Should I search for it?
    A: You do not need to trade for the Pokémon, and you don't need to search for it. As soon as you enter the GTS, you will automatically receive the Pokémon that you requested. If you don't automatically receive your Pokémon, then please read the connection troubleshooting tips listed above.

    Q: Do I need to "register" my game before receiving a Pokémon?
    A: Nope! Our GTS doesn't require you to register your game. And in fact, you don't even need an account on this site! We think that it's much faster for users to connect to our GTS this way.

    Q: So, how does the GTS know which Pokémon to send?
    A: Our GTS tracks Pokémon requests based on the user's IP address. So as long as your game console and computer are using the same internet connection, you should be able to receive the Pokémon you sent to the GTS.

    Q: Are the Pokémon on this site legit?
    A: All Event Pokémon and PKMDB Pokémon are legit, since they have been acquired in-game through normal play. Pokémon that are created via the Online Pokesav are obviously not legit. However, such Pokémon have the potential to be legal if their stats, moves, and all other aspects are within the game's natural boundaries.

    Q: What is the difference between legit and legal Pokémon?
    A: The terms "legit" and "legal" are used to differentiate between Pokémon that have been obtained in-game, and those that have been created to mimic in-game Pokémon. In theory, there is no actual difference between legit Pokémon that have been obtained in-game and legal Pokémon that have been created. Over the years, the research findings from various hacking communities (such as, PokéCommunity, and Bulbapedia) have advanced to the point at which it is now possible (and quite common!) to create a Pokémon from scratch that has identical binary data to a legit Pokémon.

    Q: Will my Pokémon be marked with ribbons?
    A: No, the Pokémon that you receive from our GTS are not marked or changed in any way. We do not attach any ribbons to your Pokémon. Doing so, would compromise their legality. We believe that you, the user, should have full control over your Pokémon.

    Q: The Pokémon I received is fainted and has a ball capsule stuck to it. What should I do?
    A: Please make sure that you always have a full team of 6 Pokémon before entering the GTS. This way, the Pokémon that you receive will go to your storage. Don't worry if you accidentally forget to use a full team, and your Pokémon ends up in your party with a ball capsule stuck to it. This does not affect its legality. Simply deposit that Pokémon into the DayCare and then withdraw it. Doing this, will normalize its stats and remove the ball capsule. This inconvenience will be resolved in the near future, when proper stat calculation code is implemented in the GTS.

    Q: Why do shiny Pokémon created with the Online Pokesav say "apparently met"?
    A: This is due to the way shinyness is calculated. Rather than change the PID, which is often a time-consuming and CPU intensive task, the Online Pokesav's shininess algorithm is designed to change the SID instead. SID stands for Secret ID, and this value is used by the game in order to determine if you are the original owner of a Pokémon. To create a shiny Pokémon without the "apparently met" attribute, I would strongly recommend using a stand-alone PID generator. This inconvenience will soon be resolved for fifth-generation Pokémon, once a new algorithm is implemented.

    Q: Why does my game show a blue screen telling me to "turn off the power," after I receive my Pokémon?
    A: If this has happened to you, don't worry. This does not affect the Pokémon that you receive. Check your storage, and you'll find that your Pokémon has been received successfully. If you would like to receive Pokémon without experiencing a blue screen, please undo the DNS settings, deposit a Pokémon in the real GTS, then redo the connection settings and connect to our GTS again.

    Q: What GTS software do you use?
    A: We use our own custom GTS software, which was programmed entirely in PHP and runs on an Apache server. Our GTS software was originally developed in August, 2011 by Kyohack, in order to resolve the server availability and stability issues that are associated with the use of stand-alone executable GTS software on servers that receive a high volume of traffic. In order to accommodate future increases in traffic, our GTS software has been designed to scale to clusters of multiple servers.

    Q: I'd like to host my own GTS! Can I use your software?
    A: Sorry, but our software is closed-source and is only to be used by PokéCheats/PokéStation. If you would like to share Pokémon on your site, please see our distribution page. You can post links of the Pokémon that you would like to distribute. Plenty of other GTS software is available to the public, and is a perfect solution for small sites that may want to use their own GTS. See our guide on how to setup your own GTS server.

    Q: No fair, I really like your software! Can't I buy it off you?
    A: Although I do accept donations, my GTS and Online Pokesav software aren't for sale. Someday, I might decide to release all of my code as an open-source project. If that happens, the software will be freely available to you.
    Last edited by Kyohack; 06-18-2013 at 06:27 PM.
    If you would like to support the work I've done on this site, then please consider donating:

    Check out my Online Pokesav.
    Devil's Survivor Savegame Editor

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