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Thread: Guidelines for hosting and/or joining tournaments - [READ BEFORE MAKING A THREAD]

  1. #1

    Carlo1003's Avatar
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    Exclamation Guidelines for hosting and/or joining tournaments - [READ BEFORE MAKING A THREAD]

    Please note the following:
    • Read everything on this thread
    • Follow everything that has been stated in this thread

    Welcome to the Tournaments section of TeamUber - the fastest growing section in the forums! In this section, you will find Pokemon tournaments, as well as non-Pokemon tournaments. We need to keep this section as organized as possible, which is the purpose of this thread.

    Guidelines for Hosting a Pokemon Tournament

    Before making the sign-up thread:
    • Tournament applications must be OPEN
    • You must get your tournament approved by the following:
      • Any tournament moderator
      • Lunar
      • Ciele
    • To get your idea approved, you need to PM the following to the above users:
      • Title of tournament
      • Introduction
      • Tour format
      • Aimed number of participants

    Be sure that you can handle the number of participants. The recommended number of participants is 32.

    When your tournament has been approved, make the necessary threads:
    • You must include the URL of this thread and all the threads previously related to your tournament in you latest thread of your tournament
    • Give a deadline; this is a must as this keeps your tournament going
    • Giving out prizes is optional
    • As much as possible, avoid giving out byes
    • Give out extensions to a minimum
    • Disqualifying players must be initiated in a fair basis:
      • If it's still round 1 and the deadline, as well as the extension deadline, has passed sub-out the less active player
      • If round 1 has passed, as well as the deadline and extension deadline, and players has yet to finish their battles, give the win to the more active player
      • If both players are equally active, and round 1, the deadline, and the extension deadline have all passed, flip a coin to decide the winner. However, this is NOT encouraged
    • As much as possible, don't make the match-ups of your own tournament
    • Hosting Swiss type tours are highly discouraged as this has a very high percentage of failing
    • Fixing anything about your tournament is strictly prohibited
    • Do not let your tournament die; this could result to your banning of hosting future tournaments

    Guidelines for Hosting a non Pokemon Tournament/Contest
    • You must get you idea approved by:
      • Eternal
    • Explain everything in one thread:
      • Mechanics
      • Prizes
      • Time which it will start

    Guidelines for Joining a Tournament
    • Read everything on the sign-up thread
    • Follow all the rules. If there is a rule which you don't agree on, don't join
    • Get your match done on time
    • The decision of the tour host is basically final; Consult any TU tour staff if you don't agree on something
    • Sportsmanship must be exhibited
    • Scouting of any form is not allowed without the discretion of the players

    That's about it! Play for fun competitiveness in all tournaments!

    Next part will show you what should be in your sign-up thread

    I love everyone in Teamuber
    Teamuber's resident PS3 fanboy
    Iconic got admin; I win
    cat for super mod

  2. #2

    Carlo1003's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
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    Here is an example sign-up thread:



    I. Introduction
    II. Format
    III-A. (If it is NOT a "live" tour) General Tournament Rules
    • All matches should take place in the TeamUber Server
    • Scouting is profoundly discouraged
    • Saving of logs is not required but still encouraged
    • My decision should be abided
    • A match result can only be counted if both players agreed on playing for this tournament
    • Get your match done on time; activity is a requirement
    • You must have a Teamuber Forum account to sign-up for a Teamuber tournament.
    • You are allowed to play in any tournament that is readily available.
    III-B. (If it is a "live" tour) General Tournament Rules
    • You must have a Teamuber Forum account to sign-up for a Teamuber tournament.
    • You are allowed to play in any tournament that is readily available.
    • When the tour registration begins, sign-up at the Teamuber Tour section of the Forums.
    • You must use your forum nickname as your Shoddy Battle nickname in order to play.
    • If you have signed up successfully, you must stay for the entire tournament unless you have lost.
    • There is a fifteen minute time limit for each round. If you exceed the time limit, notify the current host. He or she will determine the winner based on the current advantage between the players.
    • Do not hassle the host(s) of the current tournament.
    • All battling will take place on the Team Uber Shoddy Server.
    (Credits to Eternal)

    IV. (May change) Battling Rules
    • Sleep Clause ON/OFF
    • Evasion Clause ON/OFF
    • Freeze Clause ON/OFF
    • Species Clause ON/OFF
    • OHKO Clause ON/OFF
    • Self-KO Clause ON/OFF
    • Ubers Clause ON/OFF
    • Time ON/OFF
    • Soul Dew Clause ON/OFF
    • Level Balance ON/OFF
    • Strict Damage Clause ON/OFF
    • Extended Game ON/OFF
    • Little Cup ON/OFF
    • Random Battle ON/OFF
    • Item Clause ON/OFF
    VI. Participants/Match-ups
    I love everyone in Teamuber
    Teamuber's resident PS3 fanboy
    Iconic got admin; I win
    cat for super mod

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