- Sassy Nature + 252 SpAtk
Fire Blast does
78.41% - 93.2% damage.
Ferrothorn in return,
Power Whip does
56.4% - 66.8% damage on the same Tyranitar with 252 HP. And
Gyro Ball does
41.6% - 49.8% on the same Tyranitar with 0 Speed.
- Adamant Nature + Choice Band + 252 Atk with Superpower does 96.7% - 114.2% damage. Ferrothorn's Power Whip nor Gyro Ball hurts Scizor. U-turn from the same Scizor does 42.6% - 50.3% damage.
- Jolly Nature + 252 Atk
Fire Fang does
63.64% - 76.1% damage. And with Swords Dance, it does
128.4% - 151.1%
Ferrothorn in return,
Power Whip does
35.5% - 42.2% to 4 HP EV Garchomp. And
Gyro Ball does
44.7% - 52.8% on the same Garchomp with 252 Speed.
- Timid Nature + 252 SpAtk Fire Blast does 144.9% - 172.2% damage. Ferrothorn's Power Whip nor Gyro Ball hurts Heatran.
- Adamant Nature + 252 Atk
Drain Punch from Conkeldurr does
63.9% - 75.9% damage.
Ferrothorn in return,
Power Whip does
33.3% - 39.6% damage on 120 HP Conkeldurr.
- Quiet Nature + 252 SpAtk + Life Orb
Focus Blast does
67.6% - 79.6% damage.
Ferrothorn33.9% - 40.2% in return,
Power Whip does 36.3% - 43.2% on the same Reuniclus.
- Bold Nature + 4 SpAtk
Focus Blast does 38.6% - 46% on the same Ferrothorn.
- Mild Nature + 252 SpAtk + Life Orb
Fire Blast does
114.8% - 135.2% damage.
Ferrothorn in return,
Gyro Ball does
55.1% - 65.3% on 192 Speed Dragonite.
- Naive Nature + 252 SpAtk + Life Orb Fire Blast does 163.6% - 192.6% damage.
Ferrothorn in return, Gyro Ball does 34.8% - 41% damage on Infernape, and Power Whip does 27.7% - 32.8% on the same Infernape.
- Adamant + 252 Atk + Life Orb Flare Blitz does 238.6% - 281.3% damage.
- Modest + 252 SpAtk + Life Orb Fire Blast does 184.1% - 216.5% damage.
Ferrothorn in return, Gyro Ball does to 192 Speed Blaziken and Power Whip does 27.2% - 32.2%.
- Timid Nature + 252 SpAtk + Life Orb Fiery Dance does 131.3% - 155.1% damage. Ferrothorn fails to inflict significant damage on Volcarona.
- Jolly Nature + 252 Atk Fire Punch does 62.5% - 73.9% damage. Ferrothorn fails to do any significant damage in return.
- Naive Nature + 4 SpAtk + Life Orb
Fire Blast does
90.9% - 106.8% damage.
- Naive Nature + 252 SpAtk + Life Orb
Fire Blast does
112.5% - 133% damage.
Ferrothorn in return,
Gyro Ball after being Intimidated does
37.2% - 43.8%.
- Adamant Nature + 252 Atk
Dynamic Punch does
81% - 95.5% damage.
Ferrothorn in return,
Power Whip does
38.5% - 45.6% on 252 HP Machamp.
- Timid Nature + 252 SpAtk + Drought Fire Blast does 158.5% - 187.5% damage.
Ferrothorn in return, Gyro Ball does 33.8% - 39.7% on 252 Speed Ninetales.
- Timid Nature + 252 SpAtk + Life Orb
Focus Blast does
61.4% - 72.2% damage.
Ferrothorn in return,
Gyro Ball does
34% - 40.3% on 252 Speed Thundurus.
- Adamant Nature + 252 Atk + Life Orb Close Combat does 111.7% - 131.3% damage. Ferrothorn fails to do significant damage on Lucario.
- Timid Nature + Choice Scarf + 252 SpAtk
Fire Blast does
156.8% - 185.8% damage.
Ferrothorn in return,
Gyro Ball does
32.1% - 37.8% on Choice Scarf + 252 Speed Chandelure.
- Careful Nature + 8 Atk
Drain Punch does
33.2% - 40.1% damage.
- Jolly Nature + 252 Atk
Drain Punch does
56.3% - 66.5% damage.
Ferrothorn in return,
Power Whip does
40.1% - 47.4% and
Gyro Ball does
49.6% - 58.5% damage.
- Timid Nature + Choice Scarf + 252 SpAtk Hidden Power Fire does 56.8% - 67.1% damage. Ferrothorn does no significant damage in return.