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Thread: Should PP be replaced with a Power Gauge?

  1. #1

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    Question Should PP be replaced with a Power Gauge?

    Hey there Pokéfans,

    What if, instead of moves having an amount of PP, each move would cost Power to execute. Each Pokémon starts any battle with 20 Power, and replenishes 2 at the start of its Trainer's turn (including when it's not fighting). Each Pokémon has the option to Pass, which immediately replenishes 6 Power.

    A simple, low-power move could cost 2-3 Power, while moves like Hyper Beam could cost 11-12 or even more so it can't be used in succession (making the 'recharging' turn more organic). This would mean a new lease on life for tanks and stallers, while putting a limit on the amount of stalling you can do (Protect might cost 7 Power for example). Spite could reduce a Pokémon's Power by 6 and the ability Pressure might increase the Power cost of the enemies' moves!

    With this simple change; less powerful moves retain their uses, powerful moves cannot be spammed ceaselessly before suddenly giving out and proper Power management would be an intuitive yet deep new aspect of Pokémon combat while retaining its style. Of course this would mean an overhaul of the existing moves, abilities and Pokémon power levels, so yeah, that's a lot of hassle.

    In the anime and movies we always see Pokémon getting tired from using very powerful attacks, should it be in the games? What do you think?


  2. #2
    AdministratorBoulder UserEvent ContributorHackerJournalist
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    I've got to admit, that's an interesting concept for a change in the battle system. It somewhat reminds me of the Pokémon TCG series that I used to frequently play a few years ago. The TCG system would require you to wait until you had enough energy attached to the Pokémon before being capable of performing most attacks. More powerful attacks would require more energy, and certain attacks disposed of your Pokémon's energy. I'm a fan for any changes to the current battle system. Yours has potential to increase the realism of battles, since it seems to better match the actual strength of a Pokémon.
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  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyohack View Post
    It somewhat reminds me of the Pokémon TCG series that I used to frequently play a few years ago.
    I've always found it a bit strange that the card game already incorporates this element in some way, and the games never have; even though it's so simple! For the purposes of a portable game I like that you start off 'fresh', full of energy, which gets sapped by activity. I'd really love to see what it would do to battles online, but especially in the single player game.

    I'm a fan for any changes to the current battle system.
    Amen to that.

    Some ideas for simple moves:
    Name / Category / Type / Cost / Pow. / Acc. / Target / Effect
    Singe / Physical / Fire / 2 / 40 / 100 / One / 5% Burn.
    Ion Rush / Physical / Steel / 4 / 55 / 100 / One / None.
    Work Up / Status / Normal / 5 / na / na / Self / +1 Atk & +1SpAtk.
    Spite / Status / Dark / 6 / na / na / One / -6Power after foe's next move unless target Passes.
    Last edited by Matsjo; 02-25-2013 at 10:26 PM. Reason: spacing

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