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Thread: Adam and Tepig

  1. #21
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    Chapter 11: Le 6th Sense

    “Look man, I don’t want any trouble!” The Plasma Grunt yelped.

    “Then Let the pokemon go!” Tanner Shouted.

    “I wish I could do that, I really do, but my Lord would be most displeased.” The Plasma Grunt retorted as he took a small box out of the pocket of his tunic, “You see you're standing on a mine that as soon as I push this button you and your little friends will go... bang!”

    “à présent!” a voice shouted from behind the truck. I recognized the the word as French for “now”.

    All of the sudden a small, yellow and red, pokemon jumped up and knocked the remote out of the grunt’s hand.

    “Fenne, fen!” the small pokemon cried as it let flames loose from its small mouth.

    The grunt cried out in pain as the flames it him.

    “Rendement!” The same voice shouted. The pokemon stopped its attack.

    A fair skinned man with curly brown hair, wearing light tan trousers and a blue polo shirt revealed himself from behind the truck.

    The Grunt ran off to a small, red pickup truck parked next to the building and drove off.

    I stood up to speak with him, I didn’t know if he spoke English and I was fluent in French.

    “Merci de nous sauver leur retour, parlez-vous anglais?” I spoke.

    “Yeah, and don’t mention it, Renard and I were more than happy to help.” He said happily.

    I had never seen the pokemon that the man used so I took out my phone to scan it.

    “No information available”

    “What!?” I scoffed

    “Haha never seen a Fenniken have you! Not surprising I live in France but I decided to travel here.” He explained

    June and Lindsey got up from behind the bush.

    “Ah how rude of me! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Yvon Xarles.” Yvon introduced himself

    “I’m Adam, and once again thanks, I don’t know what we would have done without your help.” I thanked.

    “I’m Tanner, and this is Lindsey.” Tanner said looking at his girlfriend. She looked disdainfully at the courtesy but she let it go and waved her hand to greet Yvon.

    “I’m Odamaki, er, June Odamaki.” June reveled quietly

    “Well it is nice to meet all of you.”He said happily

    “Shouldn’t we like, call the cops or something?” Lindsey asked

    “Na, I already alerted the park rangers.” Yvon reassured her.

    A faint cry came from inside the cabin.


    “You here that?” June asked frantically, “It’s coming from inside.”

    June ran to the door and grabbed the handle but it failed to turn.

    “Damn, it’s locked.” June cursed

    “Hold on I got this!” I shouted as I took my rhyhorn’s pokeball off of my belt, “Let’s see what you can do!”

    Yvon grabbed my wrist before I could throw the pokeball.

    “Wait!” He shouted, “We don’t know what’s in there!”

    “Well what do you propose we do?” I asked angrily

    “Châtaigne, I need your assistance!” He shouted as he released a new pokemon from its ball.

    This pokemon was mostly brown but had green leaves on its head. It had short stubby arms and buck teeth.

    “Ches Chespin!”

    I took my phone out to scan this pokemon as well.

    “No information available.”

    “Again?” I said disappointed

    “This is a Chespin it’s another pokemon from France.” Yvon explained

    “Châtaigne, listen carefully, use vine whip to climb that tree and get up onto the roof of the cabin, then slowly descend into that chimney and unlock the door.” Yvon explained to his pokemon.

    “Ches!” the pokemon cried and nodded.

    Châtaigne extended small green vines out of its hands and wrapped them around the tree, it then lifted itself up to the branch. The grass pokemon proceeded to jump onto the roof and down the chimney. After about two minutes I heard the door click and I was able to open it. Châtaigne walked out and was covered with black soot.

    “Grenouille, use water gun on Châtaigne!” Yvon called out as he released another pokemon from its ball.

    “Frok Froakie!”

    A small, blue, frog like pokemon came out of the pokeball, It had a darker blue stripe down its back and white, foam-looking, fur on its back. The water pokemon shot a small stream of water at Châtaigne, cleaning the soot off of it.

    June ran into the cabin to find out what was making the noise, I followed her in. There was a shinx in the corner with its leg tied to a post. June ran over and untied it. she proceeded to pick up the small pokemon.

    “Oh, you’re so cute!” she squealed.

    The small electric pokemon began to lick her.

    “Oh you are definitely coming with me!” She said as she caught it in one of her safari balls.

    Tanner poked his head inside the cabin.

    “Hey did you find what was going on in here?” Tanner asked

    “Yeah.” I said

    “Cool, we should all head back to the professor’s lab, apparently that’s why the Frenchie is here.” He explained

    “Cool we should go now.” I agreed.
    ================================================== =======

    I hope you enjoyed my nod at all the commotion regarding X and Y
    I'm Elso, I'm a writer, singer, and will soon also be working on creating a Youtube Channel

  2. #22
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    A very good story.Good choice of words, you are progressing the story greatly.Keep it up!

  3. #23
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    Chapter 12: The Premature Return Home

    Sorry this took so long.

    ================================================== ==

    Tanner was gracious enough to offer to drive all of us back to Professor Baobab's Lab back in Valley Center; albeit a slightly uncomfortable one for myself sitting in backseat in between June and Yvon. Lindsey was sitting in the front seat with Tanner. Tanner was the proud owner of a small, white, two door Chevy. We drove along a similar mountain road to that of which we came to Escondido, but this was an actual road not a dirt path. Their usually is a pedestrian path where trainers can catch wild pokemon without impeding traffic.
    “So Adam, did you get a badge from Ivan while you were in Esco?” Tanner asked.

    “Yeah, he was a lot easier to beat than I expected.” I commented

    “Don’t expect gym leaders to give up their badges so easily, they may be using weaker pokemon but their skills as trainers surpass even mine.” Tanner responded

    “I got this!” I said confidently.

    “You just tell that to the gym leader in San Marcos, you might take that back, I suggest you train on Palomar Mountain before challenging him.” Tanner suggested

    “Alright but I still got this!” I reassured him

    “Your confidence is quite remarkable.” Yvon stated, “Perhaps when we get to the lab you would allow me to see if that confidence is well placed?”

    “Sounds like a deal, I would love to see what those pokemon of yours can do.” I eagerly accepted.

    “Hey Yvon why exactly are you here.” Lindsey asked

    “I really can’t say all that much, just that the professor requires someone with my particular talents.” Yvon said secretly

    Tanner soon pulled into the parking lot of Baobab's Lab. Lindsey got out and put her seat forward allowing Yvon, June and I to exit. We all walked into the large building and Baobab was typing away at his computer.

    “Um professor were here.” Lindsey alerted.

    The professor turned around and smiled.

    “Glad you’re finally here, and I see you met Yvon excellent!” He said excitedly, “But, um, why did you bring Adam and June?”

    “I was going to help them train up on Palomar.” Tanner explained

    “Oh, that's great, can I talk to you and Yvon privately?” Baobab asked in a serious tone

    “Sure.” Tanner agreed

    Tanner and Yvon followed the professor into a different room. I looked at June as if to ask what that was about but she shrugged it off.

    “So Adam, how ‘bout a battle?” Lindsey asked cheerfully

    “Um, okay.” I said softly.

    “Come with me!” she said excitedly as she grabbed my hand an almost dragged me out to the garden.

    “One on one, okay!” she shouted happily

    “Sure!” I said as I reached for Lennon’s pokeball, “Lennon, let’s go!”

    I released Lennon from his pokeball and he let out a small stream of flames from his nostrils.


    “Cubee!” She shouted

    She threw a pokeball in the air and threw a beam of energy revealed a small brown pokemon with a tan belly and a skull on its head. It was wielding a small bone. I took out my phone to scan it.

    “Cubone, the Lonely pokemon, When it thinks of its dead mother, it cries. Its crying makes the skull it wears rattle hollowly.”

    “How depressing, but it’s a ground type so be careful Lennon!” I shouted, “You go first!”

    “Alright, Cubee, use bonemerang!” Lindsey commanded

    Cubee threw her small bone at Lennon but it fell short of its target and onto the ground.

    “Go get it!” Lindsey shouted.

    Cubee ran to get the bone.

    “Ember attack!” I commanded

    Lennon shot small flames out of his mouth that hit Cubee just before she could get her bone.

    “Cuee!” the small pokemon cried out in pain.

    “Oh no! Cubee, headbutt!”

    Cubee ran at Lennon with its head down.

    “Block it with arm thrust!” I shouted

    Lennon started to repeatedly punch the small ground type til it fell to the floor.

    “Return cubee! Nice job buddy, you deserve some rest.” Lindsey said gently

    “Excellent job Lennon, return.” I said confidently

    I walked up to Lindsey and shook her hand.

    “Good battle, I thoroughly enjoyed it.” I consoled.

    “Thanks!” She said happily

    “Hey, Lindsey your boyfriend's coming!” June shouted

    Lindsey glared at June for a moment but returned to her face to its previous state when Tanner and Yvon walked outside. Tanner looked almost angry but then sad. He walked up to Lindsey.

    “Baobab wants me and Yvon to be part of a task force to combat Team Plasma, I’m not going to be in town for awhile.” He explained

    “Oh, okay, well good luck, and don’t get hurt okay.” Lindsey said sadly.

    “I’ll be fine I can take care of myself!” He said confidently, “Do you want me to take you home?"

    “No, I want to come with you.” She answered

    “No, it’s far too dangerous.” He said as he began to walk away.

    Tanner and Yvon went out to the parking lot, presumably to be briefed on Team Plasma.

    “I’m sorry.” I tried to consoled Lindsey.

    “It’s fine, really it is if that idiot thinks he can just abandon me like that than why the hell should I care!?” She went off

    “Adam I’m coming with you on your journey, I’ll show him I can take care of myself!” She announced

    “Umm, okay, if you want.” I said lightly

    June grabbed me by the arm and pulled me just out of earshot of Lindsey.

    “Are you sure about this?” she asked

    “I don’t see why not.” I responded

    “I do, don’t you see?!” she quietly yelled

    “See what?” I asked

    June shook her head negatively and walked away. I heard the doors to the lab slam open and a stream of flame went right over my head. June and I ducked down and I took a pokeball off my belt. We turned around to see what it was that had just tried to set us on fire. A tall man with dark hair wearing a white t shirt and shorts was standing next a growlithe.

    “That makes sense, shouldn't have come here Adam.” I said to myself
    Last edited by Elso579; 02-23-2013 at 11:05 PM.
    I'm Elso, I'm a writer, singer, and will soon also be working on creating a Youtube Channel

  4. #24
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    I casual in my chair in 4th interval, it was a huge space with 30 or so little workstations with most of their residents looking just as panel. It was wellness category and the instructor was going on about the bones or something of that type.

  5. #25
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    Chapter 13: Family Matters (Part 1)

    “So you're just going to leave the house a complete and total mess, and not expect us not look for you!” shouted an angry sounding man.

    He was tall and broad, with black hair and wearing a white t shirt and black gym shorts.

    “Yes father, I expected you to find a new maid.” I responded condescendingly

    “You can’t possibly think you're competent enough take care of yourself.” My father insulted

    “Now now Mr. Nealey, I am perfectly confident in your son’s abilities to take care of himself, if I had doubts I wouldn’t have sent him out on a journey.” Baobab interjected as he walked out into the garden.

    “Well who asked you!?” My father asked rhetorically.

    “That’s a fine looking growlithe you have their, how long have you had her?” Baobab asked

    “Six years.” My father answered

    “Well your son has had his pignite for less than six days, and he received it as a tepig.” Baobab bragged, “Your kid has talent and you need recognize it and support it or he will forever resent you!”

    “If he has talent then he could beat me in battle.” My father challenged

    “Are you up to that Adam?” Baobab asked politely.

    I quickly ran the situation through my head, Lennon had just battled Lindsey’s cubone, and Arak does not obey me in addition to the type disadvantage. That left my rhyhorn, Rhy, who hasn’t been in a battle yet but had a strong type advantage.

    “Yes, I’ll use my rhyhorn.” I said confidently

    I threw the camo coloured pokeball in the air and in a flash of light the stone-plated quadrupedal pokemon revealed itself with a roar.

    “Rhy! Rhyhorn!”

    “Maggie agility!” My father commanded his growlithe.

    Growlithe began to run around in order to pick up some speed.

    “Rhy use take down!” I commanded.

    Rhy began to run towards the dog pokemon with its head down. Just before Rhy hit Maggie the growlithe jumped out of the way and Rhy got his horn stuck in a tree. Rhy tried to pull itself out of the trunk of the tree but when it failed it began to thrash about.

    “Oh no!” I shouted

    “My pokemon can easily out speed yours, if you can’t see past a pokemon’s physical power then how will you ever be able to combat a pokemon you can’t hit?” My father taunted, “Better think fast! Maggie flamethrower!”

    I quickly had an idea of what I could do to get rhyhorn out of that tree.

    “Rhy use rock blast, quickly!” I shouted

    “That was some quick thinking on Adam’s part.” Baobab commented.

    Rhy shot a series of large rocks out of his mouth. The velocity from the rocks caused him to become dislodged from the tree. Rhy flew back about ten feet just avoiding the stream of flames coming from Maggie.

    “Now use rock blast on Maggie!” I commanded

    Rhy shot more rocks from his mouth, this time in the direction of the enemy.

    “Maggie dodge and use fire fang!” My father shouted

    Maggie jumped onto the rocks being launched at her and jumped from one rock to the next until she was close enough to bite Rhy. Maggie’s mouth filled with flames and she clamped down on Rhy’s horn!

    “Rhyhorn!” Rhy shouted in pain

    “Rhy grab Maggie’s paw with your mouth!”

    Rhy threw Maggie off of him and quickly grabbed her foot, preventing her from running away.

    “Flamethrower!” My father commanded

    “Don’t let go!” I shouted

    Maggie blew a stream of fire right into Rhy’s face but Rhy obediently hung on to her paw.

    “Now slam her down onto the ground and use stomp!” I yelled

    Rhy threw Maggie on the ground. The fire type tried to run but but Rhy threw his front foot onto her tail preventing her from going anywhere.

    “Now finish it with rock blast!” I shouted

    Rhy shot multiple rocks at Maggie and they all hit her causing her to be knocked back onto a rock.

    “Argh! Maggie return!” My father cursed as he recalled his pokemon.

    “Fine, a deal’s a deal, you can go on this journey and challenge the league. Chances are you will fail and come home before too long anyway.” My father said as he walked out into the parking lot.

    “Wow Adam, that was an amazing battle!” Lindsey said excitedly, “That guy was a character though.”

    “Meh, I’ve seen worse, I’ll be heading up to Palomar Mountain for a few days in order to train my pokemon, then I’m going to San Marcos to challenge the gym their.” I explained.

    “Wait Adam, I want to come with you!” Lindsey said eagerly.

    “Uh, sure if you want, June you’re coming too right?” I asked

    “I don’t really think I can say no to that, now can I.” June said looking at Lindsey.

    “Alright.” I said with little emotion, “Oh almost forgot, Rhy return.”

    I recalled my rhyhorn to its pokeball.

    “You guys should leave tomorrow it’s getting kind of late.” Baobab suggested

    “You can stay at my house if you want my brother would love to meet you!” LIndsey offered, “Oh yeah, June you can stay to if you want.”

    Lindsey didn’t have big house, it was small but very quaint. June, Lindsey and I walked into the house. A small kitchen was immediately to the right of the front door. To the left was a hallway and just a few steps in front was a living room.

    In the kitchen a thin lady with long black hair done in a ponytail was pulling something out of the oven.

    “Oh hi honey, who are your friends?” She asked

    “This is Adam, and this is June their on a journey, collecting badges, Their passing through on their way to Palomar Mountain for training.” Lindsey explained

    “Well thats cool, I’m LIndsey’s mother, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

    “I was wondering if it would be okay if they stayed here ‘til tomorrow morning?” Lindsey asked

    “I’m good with that, Roger come here!” Lindsey’s mom yelled

    A short boy with thick brown hair came running down the hall. He had a freckled face and was wearing a white collared shirt.

    “Yes mother!” He said quickly

    “Go clean your room, we have guests.” Lindsey’s mom ordered

    Roger nodded and ran back down the hall.

    “Are you guys hungry?” Lindsey’s mom asked

    “Yeah, and thanks for letting us stay here.” June thanked.

    “Yeah thanks.” I said awkwardly.

    We all sat on the couch in the livingroom. In front of the couch was a large flat screen TV.

    “Hey, the New York Open is on today, you guys want to watch?” Lindsey asked

    “Yeah, Tanner told me Billy will in it.” Lindsey’s Mom answered

    Lindsey pushed a few buttons on the remote and the channel changed. On the screen stood three men in suits at a table.
    I'm Elso, I'm a writer, singer, and will soon also be working on creating a Youtube Channel

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    Chapter 13: Family Matters (Part 2)

    “Welcome back to PBN’s live coverage of the New York Open! Just a few hours ago 17 year old William Mason Jr, from the San Diego Region won his battle against Paul Javin and is moving on to final round!” One of the men said excitedly

    “That’s him, he made it to the finals!” Lindsey shouted

    “That’s right Bob, and in just a few minutes he will be facing the number one trainer in the United States, Alder Garcia!”

    “So the question remains, does this kid really have what it takes to battle Alder?” One of the men asked

    “Well we have seen both partys that each trainer has used throughout the tournament; Mason has used a Luxray, Umbreon, Sceptile, Charizard, Cacturne, and Zoroark while Alder uses, Accelgor, Bouffalant, Druddigon, Vanilluxe, Escavalier, and his ace pokemon Volcarona.” Another man explained

    “Well I’m fairly certain that Alder will come out victorious, but it will be interesting to see if Mason can put up a good fight, it also important to note that Mason’s father won this tournament 15 years ago and he defeated Alder in the final round” The third man explained

    “It looks like the battle is starting!” One man said as the camera cut to a battle field.

    “Ladies and gentleman here in Yankee Stadium and those watching at home, we are proud to present the final round of the New York Open!” The announcer said excitedly.

    “Today William Mason Jr, from Valley Center, California will be battling the number one trainer in the US Alder Garcia from Newark, New Jersey!”

    Billy stood on the right side of the field he had short blond hair, and was wearing black jeans and a white polo shirt. Alder stood on the other side, he had long reddish hair and wore a beige poncho with six pokeballs attached. The referee threw his hand in the air and both trainers threw a pokeball onto the field. Alder sent out Escavalier while Billy sent out Umbreon.

    A purple ray of light came from Umbreon’s eyes, it hit escavalier and it began to wander around the field in a confused state. Umbreon then shoots a red beam from its eyes but it didn’t seem to have any adverse effect on escavalier.

    “Mason starts out strong with a confuse ray, mean look combo, what will Alder do to counter this!?” The announcer explained.

    Billy then called his umbreon back and sent out a charizard.

    Charizard shot a flamethrower at escavalier hitting it dead on.

    “Mason hits hard with his charizard, but it seems like the flamethrower causes escavalier to snap out of his confusion!”

    Escavalier charged Charizard with so much force you can see the air around it but Charizard flies out of the way. Escavalier manages to stop itself from hitting the wall though.

    “It almost hit the wall.” I noted

    “You mean like your rhyhorn?” Lindsey said sarcastically

    Charizard finished off Escavalier with another flamethrower! Alder then sent out Druddigon.

    “So Alder ops for dragon vs dragon!” The announcer exclaimed

    Druddigon hit charizard with its fist engulfed in dark energy.

    Charizard flew back into the wall and he was ruled unable to battle.

    “Druddigon uses payback to avenge Escavalier!”

    Billy then sent out Luxray and it hit druddigon with claws that appeared out of nowhere. Druddigon was barely affected.

    “That was shadow claw, but I’ve never seen a Luxray use that move before!” the announcer said astonishedly

    Druddigon hit back with a dragon claw attack and Luxray was revealed to be a zoroark.

    “Amazing Luxray was actually Zoroark in disguise!”

    Zoroark tried another shadow claw but was countered by Druddigon and sent flying by the dragon pokemon.

    “That was superpower amazing!”

    Zoroark was ruled unable to battle and Billy sent out Umbreon. Umbreon Tried to use confuse ray but missed and was knocked out by Druddigon’s Superpower. Billy then sent out the real Luxray. Luxray went for a thunder fang but was knocked back by dragon claw. Luxray then stared at Druddigon viciously.

    “That’s Luxray’s scary face, it slows down the opponent!”

    Luxray then shot an immensely powerful beam from its mouth, hitting Druddigon and knocking it out!

    “Luxray’s hyper beam is powerful, what pokemon will Alder use next?” The announcer asked.

    Alder sent out Volcorana.

    “Alder’s not messing around anymore!”

    Billy recalled Luxray and sent out Cacturne. Volcarona used its wings to create loud vibrations that forced Cacturne to the floor. Cacturne was ruled unable to battle and Billy sent Luxray back out.

    “Volcarona's bug buzz knocked that cacturne out in one hit!”

    Volcarona used hyper beam and Luxray fired its hyper beam. The two powerful attacks collided and a huge explosion ensued.

    “I can’t see a thing who came out victorious!?”

    When the smoke cleared both pokemon were still up but were extremely weakened. After a few seconds Luxray fell and the battle was over.

    “That’s it Volcarona came out victorious and Alder wins the New York Open!”

    “Wow that was a great battle, too bad Billy lost.” Lindsey said calmly

    “It is to be expected, Alder is a much better trainer, well I’m going to head off to bed I hope you two have a great nights sleep.” Lindsey’s mom said happily as she walked down the hall.

    After she went to bed Lindsey, June and I stayed in the living room for a a couple of hours before heading off to bed.
    Last edited by Elso579; 08-16-2013 at 02:24 PM.
    I'm Elso, I'm a writer, singer, and will soon also be working on creating a Youtube Channel

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    Chapter 14: Every Dog Has its Day (part 1)

    Sorry it's been so long for those of you that have been reading, and to new readers I suggest you start form the beginning. I have found new motivation to right so you will be seeing plenty of these new chapters on this story specifically although none of my stories are canceled I just need to focus on one at a time. So without further ado chapter 14!

    ================================================== ==================

    We all decided to head off to bed a few hours after the match had ended. Lindsey had directed me to her brother’s room. I wasn’t even aware she had a brother; he never left his room the whole time I had been their. Lindsey had opened the door slowly. A younger boy of about 12 or 13 years old was sitting at a computer with expensive looking headphones on. He had a curly brown hair that was done up in such a way that it appeared as if he was growing an afro. Lindsey walked in and yanked them off his head.

    “Hey!” he scoffed

    “This is Adam, he’s staying in your room tonight.” She explained

    “Why does nobody tell me these things?” he complained

    “Because Ray, you never leave your room!” Lindsey mocked

    Lindsey left and shut the door behind her. After she left I looked around the room for a bit and I saw that the area was absolutely immaculate, and that their was technology everywhere. There was a computer or TV screen mounted on every single wall.

    “What’s all this for?” I asked

    “Ah let me give you the grand tour of my humble abode!” he said proudly

    He first pointed me towards the computer he was already sitting at..

    “This is my gaming rig” he explained, “I’m most proud of it because I have more RAM than everybody in this town combined, 32 gigs as well as a quad core processor!”

    I had no idea what he was talking about but I just nodded my head as he rolled over to another desk. This one had several monitors labeled as different rooms in the house. Most of them were showing a black and white footage of different rooms: The kitchen, the living room, mom’s room and Lindsey’s room. Strangely the one labeled Lindsey’s room was blank There was also a monitor that cycled through footage from outside the house.

    “This is how I keep tabs on what is going on around the house.” Ray explained

    I looked at him like he was crazy.

    “Eh, why do you have camera’s in every room in the house?” I reluctantly asked

    “Well not every room,” He continued, “None in the bathroom, because that’s just gross and and I vowed never to turn on the cameras in Lindsey’s room ever again.”

    “And why’s that?” I asked

    “An absolutely unspeakable incident when that Tanner fella dropped by one night while my mother was working the night shift.” He said while cringing

    “uhh, okay, um I’ll just go sleep on the couch I wouldn’t want to mess up your room.” I said as I went for the door.

    “Ah, but wait!” He said as my hand rested on the doorknob, “don’t you want to see my camera’s in action?”

    “No.” I thought to myself as I walked back into the room.

    “Alright, now I said I would never turn the Camera’s back on but the mic is always on, let’s just turn the sound up here.” He said as he twisted a knob on the monitor.

    The sound clicked on and immediately we could hear sounds coming from the room.

    “So, you and Adam... you know.” I heard the slightly distorted voice of Lindsey say.

    “Oh no, he’s just my bodyguard.” I heard June say while giggling

    “hehe, really now.” Lindsey laughed

    “Yeah, my dad sent me over here to study pokemon habitats and in order to do that I have to travel around.” June explained

    “So you met through Professor Baobab?” Lindsey asked

    “Yeah, he and my father are friends and I guess he didn’t want me traveling around America alone.” June explained

    “Haha, so back to Adam, so if you're not into him you don’t mind if I gave it a shot?” Lindsey asked quietly

    “Ah sure but I don’t think he’s your type.” June said defensively

    “Oh, heh, perhaps not, but you never know!” Lindsey said nervously

    “And aren’t you with that Tanner guy?” June asked

    “Eh, he’s okay, I guess, but really our relationship isn’t really going anywhere and he can be a real jerk sometimes.” Lindsey explained

    “Oh, well I’m sorry to hear that.” June apologized

    Ray cut the audio off.

    “Now I see your interest has peaked in my surveillance.” Ray said smiling

    “I think it’s incredibly creepy, and I’m going to pretend like I never heard any of that!” I lied

    “You my friend, are a terrible liar,” Ray chuckled,” but don’t worry I don’t care what you plan on doing with my sister, just keep it out of sight of my camera’s please.”

    “Will do.” I said as I backed up towards the door.

    He didn’t say anything so I just left and went to go sleep on the couch. I saw that it was 10:30 at night so I decided to go immediately to sleep. I grabbed a blanket off of the couch and laid down. I tried to sleep but thoughts of what I had heard were racing through my head. Was that all true? Was Lindsey into me? Why would she be anyway? I managed to put all of it in the back of my mind and I went to sleep.
    I'm Elso, I'm a writer, singer, and will soon also be working on creating a Youtube Channel

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    Chapter 14: Every Dog Has its Day (Part 2)

    It seemed like only an instant but I awoke, groggy but awake. I saw a short female figure opening the front door and walking out. I didn’t know who it was, whether or not it was June, Lindsey or even her mother but I decided to follow her. I grabbed one of my pokeballs from off the coffee table and threw it into my pocket. I didn’t know which one but I knew it wasn’t Arak since I keep him stowed away in my bag. I but my shoes on and walked out the door and quietly shut the door behind me. I walked toward the road and looked around the corner. I saw the figure moving at a slow pace away from me. I still couldn’t make out who it was as she was wearing a purple hoodie. I began to follow her. The cold air almost deterred me from doing so but something told me I needed to follow her. After two minutes of following her I was tempted to just yell to get her attention but suddenly a large, black, dog-like pokemon with horns growing out of its head jumped from the bushes and attacked the girl. She started to scream and I ran towards her as I took the pokeball out of my pocket. I threw the pokeball when I was about halfway to her. Lennon came out of the ball and the black pokemon took notice of him and shot a stream of flames at it.

    I took out my phone and scanned the pokemon.

    “Houndoom, The Dark Pokemon, The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins. If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever.”

    “Lennon, Arm Thrust!” I yelled

    Lennon began to punch the houndoom repeatedly. Houndoom began to breath in and huff up.

    “Lennon get out of the way!”

    Lennon ducked into the bushes as a cloud of purple smoke came from the pokemon’s mouth.

    “Now Lennon, Arm Thrust one more time!” I commanded

    Lennon jumped out of the bush and went to attack the houndoom. The Dark Pokemon ran off and Lennon began to follow it.

    “Let it go!” I shouted as I was running towards the girl laying on the sidewalk.

    Lennon ceased to run after the houndoom and returned to me.

    “Thanks bud, return.” I thanked as I recalled Lennon

    I knelt down by the girl to see who she was.

    “Hey, you alright?” I asked in a worried tone.

    She mumbled something unintelligible and began to sit up

    “careful, be slow.” I said calmly

    “I’m fine Adam, just a little shook up.” She said

    I recognized her voice, it was Lindsey. She took off her hood and looked at me. She smiled lightly and kissed me on the cheek.

    “Thanks!” Lindsey said as she began to stand up.

    “Let me help you.” I said as I took her by the arm.

    “I’m fine!” She said playfully, “You got here fast enough.”

    “That’s a relief, what are you doing out here so early?” I asked

    “No particular reason, I like taking walks in the morning.” She explained, “Come with me, let’s finish that walk.”

    “Are you sure you don’t want to go back and lie down?” I asked worryingly

    “I’m fine Adam, gosh, let’s go, I want to show you something.” She said as she signaled for me to follow her

    We walked about a mile up the road until we got to a park. Funny enough the park was named Adam’s Park although it had nothing to do with me. The gates were chained shut.

    “What are we doing here?” I asked

    “I’ll show you.” She said playfully, “But first we need to get into the park.”

    She grabbed my hand and led me up around the fence until we found a tree.

    “Alright we have to climb this tree and follow the branches over the fence.” Lindsey explained

    Lindsey took off her jacket and used it to inch her way up the tree until she got to a sizable branch to perch herself on.

    “Well, what are you waiting for, come on!” Lindsey encouraged

    I began to do the same with my jacket but found little success. Eventually though I made it to the branch that Lindsey was sitting on.

    “Alright, see that rock, jump off their.” She instructed

    Lindsey took the lead and slowly negotiated the branch. until she reached the end and jumped off, grabbing the branch before finally landing. I did the same thing, albeit almost losing my balance many times as well as missing the rock and landing in a pile of leaves.

    “Hehehe” Lindsey giggled, “Come on graceful almost their.”

    I brushed myself off and followed Lindsey all the way an area with a lot of thick brush and trees.

    “Okay stick close and follow me.” Lindsey said as she grabbed my hand once again

    “What are you bringing me out here for?” I asked

    “I want to show you something no one else but me knows about, my dirty little secret I guess.” She explained

    We continued to navigate the brush until we came to a small hill covered by heavy amounts of foliage.

    “Okay here we are.” She said while taking a deep breath

    “Where?” I asked

    Lindsey pulled away some brush revealing a small cavern. I followed her into the cavern until we came to a more open room.

    “Hey guys, I’m back!” Lindsey said excitedly

    All of the sudden six pokemon came out of hiding and into the main chamber.

    The first was a small, pink, blob like pokemon with small featureless eyes, I matched the description of the Pokemon Ditto that I learned about in biology class. The second was a pokemon I recognized, a Ledian, common sights in gardens. The third was a Venomoth, I always hated the buggers but this one seemed friendly enough. Next was a blue, furry, winged pokemon that looked like a larger version of Angelica’s woobat. A large, shell that turned around to reveal its black inner face. And finally a large, majestic, bird pokemon that I recognized right way as swanna.

    I scanned all of the pokemon with my phone.

    “Ditto, the Transform Pokemon, It can reconstitute its entire cellular structure to change into what it sees, but it returns to normal when it relaxes.”

    “Ledian, The Five Star Pokemon, It uses starlight as energy. When more stars appear at night, the patterns on its back grow larger.”

    “Venomoth, The Poison Moth Pokemon, It flutters its wings to scatter dust like scales. The scales leach toxins if they contact skin.”

    “Swoobat, The Courting Pokemon, It shakes its tail vigorously when it emits ultrasonic waves strong enough to reduce concrete to rubble.”

    “Cloyster, The Bivalve Pokemon, It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes.”

    “Swanna, The White Bird Pokemon, Despite their elegant appearance, they can flap their wings strongly and fly for thousands of miles.”

    “Maybe I should explain things first.” Lindsey said as she sat down on the stone floor.

    I followed suit as she began her story.

    “Well first of all that time you battled me with that cubone, he was just a family pet, I sometimes carry him around with me in his pokeball, but these guys are my real pokemon.” She explained as her swanna walked up to her and nuzzled its head against her arm.

    “As you can see I’m very close with these pokemon and I’ve raised them since they were babies. All of them were abandoned by their trainers. I brought them all here and nursed them back to health. Now I know you might be asking why keep all this a secret, well I brought up becoming a trainer and he was against it, he has some control issues and that’s why I’m glad he’s out of my life now. I kept taking in abandon pokemon and I started to train them. I loved it we would battle wild pokemon at night. I kinda feel bad taking all that pokemon food from the Professor but he never notices.”

    “Wow that’s... really cool.” I said admiringly

    “Heh, thanks, you see now that Tanner’s out of my life I want to challenge the gym leaders and get to the Pokemon League Tournament. That’s where you come in, you're doing the same thing right?” Lindsey asked

    “Yeah, I already have one badge.” I told her

    “I know that.” Lindsey said quietly

    “What’s wrong?” I asked

    “I’m just worried, what if we meet Tanner on our journey?” She worried

    I stood up in front of her.

    “Then you will meet him in glorious battle and prove your worth as a trainer!” I exclaimed

    Lindsey smiled and stood up. She took six pokeballs out of her pocket and turned towards her pokemon.

    “He’s right guys! We’re going to challenge the pokemon league!” Lindsey exclaimed

    Her pokemon cheered so loudly I was afraid the ground above us would collapse.

    Main Character Teams:


    Lennon (Pignite) Level 20 Male
    Moves: Arm Thrust, Defense Curl, Flame Charge, Ember

    Arak (Galvantula) Level 36 Male
    Moves: Electroweb, Signal Beam, Electro Ball, Slash

    Rhy (Rhyhorn) Level 23 Male
    Moves: Rock Blast, Horn Attack, Stomp, Bulldoze


    Hiyoko (Torchic) Level 12 Female
    Moves:Growl, Ember, Focus Energy, Flame Burst

    Raion (Shinx) Level 13 Female
    Moves: Tackle, Charge, Spark, Night Slash


    Duckly (Swanna) Level 35 Female
    Moves: Rain Dance, Roost, Air Slash, Aqua Ring

    Shelly (Cloyster) Level 33 Female
    Moves: Spikes, Spike Cannon, Aurora Beam, Protect

    Batty (Swoobat) Level 32 Female
    Moves: Air Slash, Calm Mind, Attract, Heart Stamp

    Venny (Venomoth) Level 31
    Moves: Gust, Sleep Powder, Psybeam, Supersonic

    Lady (Ledian) Level 30
    Moves: Baton Pass, Silver Wind, Light Screen, Comet Punch

    Ditty (Ditto) Level 30
    Moves: Transform
    Last edited by Elso579; 08-16-2013 at 10:25 PM.
    I'm Elso, I'm a writer, singer, and will soon also be working on creating a Youtube Channel

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