Welcome to the Item information section, where you can view all Useable items in the game. Click on an item to view its location

Image Name Effect
Antidote Cures one Pok´mon of the Poison status effect
Awakening Awakens one Pok´mon with the Sleep status effect
Burn Heal Cures one Pok´mon of the Burn status effect
Elixir Restores 10 PP to every move of a selected Pok´mon
Energy Root Restores 200 HP to one Pok´mon; it has a bitter taste
Energypowder Restores 50 HP to one Pok´mon; it has a bitter taste
Ether Restores 10 PP to one Pok´mon\'s selected move
Fresh Water Restores 50 HP to one Pok´mon
Full Heal Cures one Pok´mon of any status effect
Full Restore Restores all HP to one Pok´mon and cures them of any status effects
Heal Powder Cures one Pok´mon of any status effect; it has a bitter taste
Hyper Potion Restores 200 HP to one Pok´mon
Ice Heal Defrosts one Pok´mon with the Frozen status condition
Lava Cookie Cures one Pok´mon of any status effect
Lemonade Restores 80 HP to one Pok´mon
Max Elixir Restores all PP to every move of a selected Pok´mon
Max Ether Restores all PP to one move of a selected Pok´mon
Max Potion Restores all HP to one Pok´mon
Max Revive Revives a fainted Pok´mon and fully restores it\'s HP
MooMoo Milk Restores 100 HP to one Pok´mon
Old Gateau Cures one Pok´mon of any status effect
Paralyze Heal Cures one Pok´mon of the Paralyze status effect
Potion Restores 20 HP to one Pok´mon
Revival Herb Revives a fainted Pok´mon and fully restores it\'s HP; has a bitter taste
Revive Revives a fainted Pok´mon and restores half of it\'s max HP
Sacred Ash Revives all fainted Pok´mon and fully restores their HP
Soda Pop Restores 60 HP to one Pok´mon
Super Potion Restores 200 HP to one Pok´mon