72 pokemon are of this type!

Here you can view the pok´mon that have this type. This page therefore makes it easier for you to select a strong pokémon of a certain type.

Dex # Pokemon Name Icon Tier Abilities Type HP: Atk: Def: Sp Atk: Sp Def: Speed:
063 Abra n/a Synchronize / Inner Focus 25 20 15 105 55 90
064 Kadabra n/a Synchronize / Inner Focus 40 35 30 120 70 105
065 Alakazam UU Synchronize / Inner Focus 55 50 45 135 85 120
079 Slowpoke n/a Oblivious / Own Tempo 90 65 65 40 40 15
080 Slowbro n/a Oblivious / Own Tempo 95 75 110 100 80 30
096 Drowzee n/a Insomnia / Forewarn 60 48 45 43 90 42
097 Hypno n/a Insomnia / Forewarn 85 73 70 73 115 67
102 Exeggcute n/a Chlorophyll 60 40 80 60 45 40
103 Exeggutor UU Chlorophyll 95 95 85 125 65 55
121 Starmie OU Illuminate / Natural Cure 60 75 85 100 85 115
122 Mr. Mime NU Soundproof / Filter 40 45 65 100 120 90
124 Jynx NU Oblivious / Forewarn 65 50 35 115 95 95
150 Mewtwo Uber Pressure 106 110 90 154 90 130
151 Mew n/a Synchronize 100 100 100 100 100 100
177 Natu n/a Synchronize / Early Bird 40 50 45 70 45 70
178 Xatu n/a Synchronize / Early Bird 65 75 70 95 70 95
196 Espeon n/a Synchronize 65 65 60 130 95 110
199 Slowking NU Oblivious / Own Tempo 95 75 80 100 110 30
201 Unown NU Levitate 48 72 48 72 48 48
202 Wobbuffet Uber Shadow Tag 190 33 58 33 58 33
203 Girafarig NU Inner Focus / Early Bird 70 80 65 90 65 85
238 Smoochum n/a Oblivious / Forewarn 45 30 15 85 65 65
249 Lugia UBER Pressure 106 90 130 90 154 110
251 Celebi OU Natural Cure 100 100 100 100 100 100
280 Ralts n/a Synchronize / Trace 28 25 25 45 35 40
281 Kirlia n/a Synchronize / Trace 38 35 35 65 55 50
282 Gardevoir n/a Synchronize / Trace 68 65 65 125 115 80
307 Meditite n/a Pure Power 30 40 55 40 55 60
308 Medicham NU Pure Power 60 60 75 60 75 80
325 Spoink n/a Thick Fat / Own Tempo 60 25 35 70 80 60
326 Grumpig NU Thick Fat / Own Tempo 80 45 65 90 110 80
337 Lunatone UU Levitate 70 55 65 95 85 70
338 Solrock NU Levitate 70 95 85 55 65 70
343 Baltoy n/a Levitate 40 40 55 40 70 55
344 Claydol UU Levitate 60 70 105 70 120 75
358 Chimecho NU Levitate 65 50 70 95 80 65
360 Wynaut n/a Shadow Tag 95 23 48 23 48 23
374 Beldum n/a Clear Body 40 55 80 35 60 30
375 Metang n/a Clear Body 60 75 100 55 80 50
376 Metagross OU Clear Body 80 135 130 95 90 70
380 Latias Uber Levitate 80 80 90 110 130 110
381 Latios Uber Levitate 80 90 80 130 110 110
385 Jirachi OU Serene Grace 100 100 100 100 100 100
386 Deoxys Uber Pressure 50 150 50 150 50 150
386-a Deoxys-A Uber Pressure 50 180 20 180 20 150
386-d Deoxys-D Uber Pressure 50 70 160 70 160 90
386-s Deoxys-S Uber Pressure 50 95 90 95 90 180
433 Chingling n/a Levitate 45 30 50 65 50 45
436 Bronzor n/a Levitate / Heatproof 57 24 86 24 86 23
437 Bronzong OU Levitate / Heatproof 67 89 116 79 116 33
439 Mime Jr. n/a Soundproof / Filter 20 25 45 70 90 60
475 Gallade BL Steadfast 68 125 65 65 115 80
480 Uxie n/a Levitate 75 75 130 75 130 95
481 Mesprit UU Levitate 80 105 105 105 105 80
482 Azelf OU Levitate 75 125 70 125 70 115
488 Cresselia BL Levitate 120 70 120 75 130 85
494 Victini n/a Victory Star 100 100 100 100 100 100
517 Munna n/a Forewarn / Synchronize 76 25 45 67 55 24
518 Musharna n/a Forewarn / Synchronize 116 55 85 107 95 29
527 Woobat n/a Unaware / Klutz 55 45 43 55 43 72
528 Swoobat n/a Unaware / Klutz 67 57 55 77 55 114
555-1 Darmanitan-D n/a Sheer Force 105 30 105 140 105 55
561 Sigilyph n/a Wonder Skin / Magic Guard 72 58 80 103 80 97
574 Gothita n/a Frisk 45 30 50 55 65 45
575 Gothorita n/a Frisk 60 45 70 75 85 55
576 Gothitelle n/a Frisk 70 55 95 95 110 65
577 Solosis n/a Overcoat / Magic Guard 45 30 40 105 50 20
578 Duosion n/a Overcoat / Magic Guard 65 40 50 125 60 30
579 Reuniclus n/a Overcoat / Magic Guard 110 65 75 125 85 30
605 Elgyem n/a Telepathy / Synchronize 55 55 55 85 55 30
606 Beheeyem n/a Telepathy / Synchronize 75 75 75 125 95 40
648 Meloetta n/a Serene Grace 100 77 77 128 128 90