Minun - PokéCheats Pokémon #312, Analysis, Movesets

07/27/24, 08:01
#311 Plusle Pokédex Strategy Moves Database Volbeat #313

Statistics ⇓

Abilities ⇓

Minus Boosts Sp. Atk if another Pokémon has Plus. "When this Pokemon's partner has Plus, its Special Attack increases by 50%."

Damage Taken ⇓

Evolution ⇓

This pokemon doesn't evolve.
Flavour Text

Game ⇓

Flavour Text ⇓

Ruby/SapphireMINUN loves to cheer on its partner in battle. It gives off sparks from its body while it is doing so. If its partner is in trouble, this POKéMON gives off increasing amounts of sparks.
EmeraldAt a meeting of POKéMON academics, it was announced that simultaneous exposure to electricity from a PLUSLE and MINUN will promote circulation and boost vitality.
FireRedIts dislike of water makes it take shelter under the eaves of houses in rain. It uses pom-poms made of sparks for cheering.
Leaf GreenIts dislike of water makes it take shelter under the eaves of houses in rain. It uses pom-poms made of sparks for cheering.
Diamond/PearlIt cheers on friends. If its friends are losing, its body lets off more and more sparks.
PlatinumIt cheers on friends. If its friends are losing, its body lets off more and more sparks.
Heart GoldExposure to electricity from MINUN and PLUSLE promotes blood circulation and relaxes muscles.
Soul SilverExposure to electricity from MINUN and PLUSLE promotes blood circulation and relaxes muscles.
BlackIt cheers on friends. If its friends are losing, its body lets off more and more sparks.
WhiteIt cheers on friends. If its friends are losing, its body lets off more and more sparks.

Image ⇓

Information ⇓

National Dex: #312
Gen 4 Tier: N/A
Gen 5 Tier: RU
EV Points Yeild: 1 Point in speed
Footprint: print

Sprites ⇓

Front Sprite

Back Sprite

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