Database: Starmie - PokéCheats Pokémon #121, Analysis, Movesets

01/15/25, 11:51
Database: Starmie
#120 Staryu Pokédex Strategy Moves Database Mr. Mime #122

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Using Starmie in battle

Most Used Starmie Set: Starmie is one of the best rapid spinners in the game, so the set of use, obviously, contains, you guessed it, rapid spin! A set consisting of rapid spin, surf, thunder bolt/ ice beam and recover is the set of use, some sets even don’t run rapid spin, instead, recover, ice beam, thunder bolt and surf.

Usual Counters: Pursuit is obviously not a friend of starmie, furthermore, ttar can survive 2 surfs from a starmie, and a cb pursuit will ko a starmie regardless if it switches or not, also, weavile can do the same, but is 2hkoed by surf, but is faster so it can freely pursuit, celebi also works, since ice beam is only a 3hko, while it can do 89% damage with a grass knot.

Sets Used To Counter Its Counters: It can run a specs set to effectively counter some of its “counters”, since a specs surf can 2hko or ohko every pursuiter in the game, and do 88% damage min to celebi with ice beam.

Starmie Is Most Used On: Any standard ou team which is In need of a rapid spinner.

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