Latias - PokéCheats Pokémon #380, Analysis, Movesets

07/27/24, 03:55
#379 Registeel Pokédex Strategy Moves Database Latios #381

Statistics ⇓

Abilities ⇓

Levitate Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves. This Pokemon does not take damage from Ground moves.

Damage Taken ⇓

Evolution ⇓

This pokemon doesn't evolve.
Flavour Text

Game ⇓

Flavour Text ⇓

Ruby/SapphireLATIAS is highly intelligent and capable of understanding human speech. It is covered with a glass-like down. The POKéMON enfolds its body with its down and refracts light to alter its appearance.
EmeraldThey make a small herd of only several members. They rarely make contact with people or other POKéMON. They disappear if they sense enemies.
FireRedIt can telepathically communicate with people. It changes its appearance using its down that refracts light.
Leaf GreenIt can telepathically communicate with people. It changes its appearance using its down that refracts light.
Diamond/PearlIts body is covered with a down that can refract light in such a way that it becomes invisible.
PlatinumIts body is covered with a down that can refract light in such a way that it becomes invisible.
Heart GoldIt communicates using telepathy. Its body is covered in down that refracts light to make it invisible.
Soul SilverIt communicates using telepathy. Its body is covered in down that refracts light to make it invisible.
BlackIts body is covered with a down that can refract light in such a way that it becomes invisible.
WhiteIts body is covered with a down that can refract light in such a way that it becomes invisible.

Image ⇓

Information ⇓

National Dex: #380
Gen 4 Tier: OU
Gen 5 Tier: OU
EV Points Yeild: 3 Points in spdefense
Footprint: print

Sprites ⇓

Front Sprite

Back Sprite

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