Blaziken Analysis - PokéCheats Pokémon #257, Analysis, Movesets

01/15/25, 12:57
Blaziken Analysis
#256 Combusken Pokédex Strategy Moves Database Mudkip #258

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This article gives you ideas of how to use Blaziken in battle in the Pokémon Black, Pokémon White and Pokemon B2W2 Games. It lists popular movesets used by competitive battlers, as well as a description on how to use each set to help you understand why the moves were chosen. These popular sets are usually the best to use in battle and so reading this guide will help you in your team building.

Gen 4: Overview

Blaziken is mostly on sweeper team and sometime on wall breaker that stop stall team. He can also be use as a late game clean up or on a stall team who finish the game up sweeping the weaken poke.

Ability Nature Item HP Atk. Def. SpAtk. SpDef. Speed
Blaze Naive choice scarf 0 154 0 232 0 124
There are no current set statistics analysed

With 124 ev in speed he will be able to outrun all 120 +speed nature poke that not scarf which is almost every pokemon in the UU tier. With 154 attack and 232 sp attack ev giving him 313 in both attacking stat giving him equal power in both physically and specially. Superpower is for stab and hard hitting. Overheat is also for stab and coverage with HP ice and thunderpunch allowing me to hit everything in UU.

Other Options:

His ev in attack and sp attack can be adjust to your taste like the smogon EV set 76 Atk / 220 SpA / 212 Spe giving him more power when he use mild which can help kill most tank use in OU. If you are worry about the stat drop that overheat´s side effect does you can use fire blast.

Ability Nature Item HP Atk. Def. SpAtk. SpDef. Speed
Blaze Adamant / Jolly / Naive scarf 44 / 134 252 / 252 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 212 / 124
There are no current set statistics analysed

Ev: 44 HP / 252 Atk / 212 Spe if you using adamant or you could give more bulk which isn´t needed going with 134 hp/252 attack/124spe when u going to use Naive or jolly.

44 hp ev is mainly for bulk and 252 attack ev is to maximum his power and 212 speed is to out run all 120 base +nature speed pokemon. If you don´t like the stat drop the use Sjy uppercut instead of Superpower. Flare blitz is use as a powerful stab attack that can hurt everything that not water or rock. Thunderpunch can deal with those annoying Water poke, which is more favorable then Earthquake. Stone edge hit all flying type and can sometime OHKO after SR damage.

Ability Nature Item HP Atk. Def. SpAtk. SpDef. Speed
Blaze Mild life orb 0 140 0 252 0 116
There are no current set statistics analysed

The agilityiken is the hardest Blaziken to counter but also one of the rarest one to be used. 140 Attack ev is use to power up sky uppercut. 252 sp attacks ev is used to maximum damage using fire blast and the hidden power. The 116 speed EVs mean that Blaziken hits 450 Speed after a Agility, outspeeding neutral natured, Choice Scarf base 100s, which can out speed almost everything in UU tier. HP ice can help against dragon and ground type that love coming in. HP Electric is for the water pokes that come in hoping to stall me, which successfully does that job, and force me out.

Ability Nature Item HP Atk. Def. SpAtk. SpDef. Speed
Blaze Jolly salac berry 0 252 4 0 0 252
There are no current set statistics analysed

Well, the goal of this set is to do two things. One, get rid of all priority users and Sandstorm/Hail teams. 252 Attack and Speed are used to make it extremely powerful. Second, get Blaziken to low HP and get at least one SD in. After that, prepare for a full-fledged sweep. This set works well with Sunny Day teams giving Fire Punch over 150 Base Power and will allow you to sweep anything that comes across your path. You can use Substitute instead of Endure to prevent a status ailment and get a free turn to set up.

Ability Nature Item HP Atk. Def. SpAtk. SpDef. Speed
Blaze Jolly liechi berry 128 252 12 0 0 116
There are no current set statistics analysed

Well, the goal of this set is to do two things. One, get rid of all priority users and Sandstorm/Hail teams. Second, get Blaziken to low HP to get blaze on and get +1 attack due to liechi berry then get at least one Agility in. After that, prepare for a full-fledged sweep. This set works well with Sunny Day teams giving Fire Punch over 150 Base Power and will allow you to sweep anything that comes across your path. You can use Substitute instead of Endure to prevent a status ailment and get a free turn to set up.

Ability Nature Item HP Atk. Def. SpAtk. SpDef. Speed
Blaze Jolly life orb 0 252 4 0 0 252
There are no current set statistics analysed

This is a very simple set. Just Sword Dance then sweep, but due to his low speed he will need to rely on paralyze support to successfully sweep a team. Sky uppercut was chosen over superpower to stop his stat´s drop that may hurt him later in the game. Flare blitz or Fire Punch is just matter of preference. If you prefer more power go with Flare blitz.If you don´t want to lose more than 35% of your life every turn use Fire Punch. Stone Edge was use to have more coverage and to hit more poke in UU.

Most Used Set

Most blaziken use scarf to make up for it mediocre speed when have attack stat even higher than inferape making him the fastest and most powerful Wall breaker in UU tier. Most blaziken user that have a scarf on use the mixscarf blaziken. Some may use Life orb with agility giving him more freedom and speed to outrun almost everything barring from a yanmega after he gets his Speed boost.

Other Options

For those who use Reversal it really up to you which one you want to use Substitute or endure. More like your personal taste rather what better. For those who use Life orb you can also use Expert belt instead of losing 10% of his life every turn.

Usual Counters

Pokemon who can Hidden Power water him are counters, also those who can then can set up on him and/or kill it with Surf or Psychic. Yanmega is the best revenge-killer for a blaziken. He can OHKO him with air slash and also protect to get a free boost to out run a blaziken on scarf, but this will be a different story if blaziken got +2.

Milotic is another good counter in UU, but you cannot counter her completely (more like swap into) because of Superpower and Hidden Power Grass. Which will 2HKO her if she swaps into blaziken.

Donphan is also a good counter if he doesn´t have HP[Grass]. He can Earthquake him to death while he can only do about 50% at the most to him.

If you do not have any of those you just gotta play around before hitting him. If he Life orb just hit him with fast poke. If he use scarf just hope your predictions are good and get him lock in to a resisting move. Lastly, the agility set is harder to counter due to it freedom of changing move so you must

Slowbro, who is arguably the best counter for Blaziken, can take both of Blaziken´s STAB attacks and laugh at Thunder Punch and Hidden Power Grass him. Who then can set up on him and/or kill it with Surf or Psychic.


Blaziken is a great wall breaker and could be the best wall breaker in UU with his respectable attacks stat. It is similar to an Inferape with higher attack stat but lower speed. Due to his lower speed making him overlook and many thought Inferape was a better poke. By all mean, Blaziken is not inferior to Inferape at all. With Scarf he can be a dangerous poke in UU if not wall or stop correctly.

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