01/15/25, 13:50
Gliscor Analysis
#471 Glaceon Pokédex Strategy Moves Database Mamoswine #473

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This article gives you ideas of how to use Gliscor in battle in the Pokémon Black, Pokémon White and Pokemon B2W2 Games. It lists popular movesets used by competitive battlers, as well as a description on how to use each set to help you understand why the moves were chosen. These popular sets are usually the best to use in battle and so reading this guide will help you in your team building.

Gen 5: Overview

Gliscor is a very versatile threat that has overcome the generation switch and has managed to earn itself spots on many teams with regards to the numerous Pokemon that Gliscor can check and effectively counter. With a new STAB move in the form of Acrobatics and Poison Heal as its Dream World ability (previously exclusive to Shroomish and Breloom), Gliscor is probably one of the Pokemon that has gained the most as a result of the new generation.

Gliscor´s biggest gain with Generation 5, has been its Dream World ability, Poison Heal. Gliscor´s new ability not only gives him the capability to act as a status absorber, but also the advantage of passive recovery rather than active recovery; therefore, Gliscor can easily stall/scout with Protect and use it´s free turns for causing damage. Despite the illegibility of Poison Heal with some of Gliscor´s staple Generation 4 moves (Stealth Rock and Roost), Gliscor has gained quite the increase in popularity and effectiveness thanks to its Dream World addition.

Ability Nature Item HP Atk. Def. SpAtk. SpDef. Speed
Poison Heal Impish toxic orb 244 0 192 0 0 72
There are no current set statistics analysed

Gliscor is a pretty diverse Pokemon, it has the Attack and Speed stats to make it viable as a sweeper; but, also the Defense and HP to make it a prominent wall. This set aims to provide a proper balance between Gliscor´s roles. Not only does the Toxic Orb and Poison Heal combo bestow Gliscor with passive recovery, but it also ensures that Gliscor doesn´t suffer from any hindering status conditions (providing that you don´t risk a switch in to anything that could obstruct Gliscor before it has a chance to activate Toxic Orb). Swords Dance is the highlight of the set, by switching into Pokemon that can´t threaten Gliscor in the slightest (usually physical presences, such as; Conkeldurr and Excadrill), Gliscor can then proceed to receive the +2 Attack boosts. With 100 base power and perfect accuracy, Erathquake is certainly Gliscor´s staple attack. For a secondary attack there are two options. Ice Fang is preferred as it allows Gliscor to hit Landorus, other Gliscor and the numerous Dragon types floating around for super effective damage; however, Facade is also a move to be considered which doubles in power thanks to Toxic Orb and can hit the ever so troublesome Rotom-W, and Pokemon with Levitate harder. In the final move slot there are two prime options; Protect allows for scouting and more chances to receive the Poison Heal recovery, whilst Taunt gives Gliscor more opportunities to set-up against Pokemon like Excadrill and Scizor who could set-up alongside Gliscor.

Additional Comments

The majority of Gliscor´s EV´s are dedicated to its bulk and survivability, 244 HP EV´s make sure that Gliscor receives the maximum amount of recovery from Poison Heal. The 72 Speed EV´s make sure that Gliscor can outspeed Tentacruel, Jolly Tyranitar and 32 Speed Zapdos. If you feel that Speed isn´t much of an issue and that you´re not personally worried about these Pokemon, then the EV´s can be invested in Gliscor´s defenses.

Ability Nature Item HP Atk. Def. SpAtk. SpDef. Speed
Poison Heal Impish toxic orb 244 0 192 0 0 72
There are no current set statistics analysed

This set aims to take advantage of Gliscor´s prominent new options in the form of Poison Heal and Acrobatics. Toxic Orb is obviously in place to trigger Poison Heal, after activation (from a simple switch-in) the Toxic Orb essentially becomes useless; therefore, Fling is in place to strip the item from Gliscor and become a one-time only move with 30 base power and the secondary effect of badly poisoning the opponent. ´Flinging´ the Toxic Orb can prove to be useful, if you can predict some of Gliscor´s common switch-in´s, like Jellicent, Vaporeon, and other bulky Water Pokemon. Without an item, Acrobatics base power doubles from 55 to 110; thus, becoming Gliscor´s secondary STAB boosted move of choice. Both Acrobatics and Earthquake are high powered, 100% accuracy moves with respectable coverage together. In terms of the last move slot, Gliscor has plenty of options. The extra recovery from Poison Heal and the ability to scout the opponents next move make Protect a noteworthy option on this set. Swords Dance can be used to turn Gliscor into a deadly physical attacker. Finally, Taunt is also a valuable option for shutting down walls and stopping potential threats from setting up.

Additional Comments

The 244 EV´s provide that Gliscor has the maximum amount of bulk and hits a Poison Heal number, for the maximum amount of bulk possible. With the 72 EV´s invested in Speed, Gliscor can outspeed Tentacruel, Jolly Tyranitar and 32 Speed Zapdos. If these threats don´t apply to your team as a whole then the 72 EV´s can invested in more Defense.

Ability Nature Item HP Atk. Def. SpAtk. SpDef. Speed
Poison Heal Impish toxic orb 244 0 192 0 0 72
There are no current set statistics analysed

This Gliscor set can prove to be exceedingly deadly when used correctly. Torment is a move and a strategy that very few Pokemon can pull off; with Gliscor´s handy immunities, passive recovery, notable bulk, and only weaknesses being Water and Ice type moves, a Torment set is certainly viable. This set effectively allows you to block one of your opponents moves, whilst you stall/attack from behind a Substitute. By using Torment, your opponent can not use the same move twice in a row; this means that you can use Protect to block off what would hopefully be your opponents only super effective move, and use Substitute and your choice of attacking move to stall/whittle down your opponents HP. Usually most Pokemon that try to run Torment sets suffer from move slot syndrome, where the limit of only being able to use 4 moves is quite often not enough; however, this is less of an issue for Gliscor mainly thanks to Poison Heal. Gliscor´s new ability essentially means that it doesn´t need to worry about wasting a move slot for active recovery in the form of Roost. Poison Heal also means that Gliscor doesn´t need to worry about status conditions which could cease this sets effectiveness. For your attacking move, you have two main options. Whilst Earthquake provides STAB, it also leaves room for common Air Balloon users, Flying types and Pokemon with Levitate to switch in and set-up; such as, Thundurus, Landorus, Salamence, Dragonite, Gyarados, Excadrill and even other Gliscor. Facade means that you can´t hit Ghost types and you have a harder time against Steel types, however overall it does allow to hit probably the most threats for what is still a heavy amount of damage.

Additional Comments

The EV´s are standard for Gliscor, however the Speed EV´s can be adapted if your feel that Gliscor would benefit more from investment in Defense or even Special Defense. Toxic Spikes are definitely suggested to help support this Gliscor set, they help make stalling noticeably faster. Having teammates that can inflict any status condition could prove exceptionally useful. Magnezone could prove significantly useful as a teammate, by trapping and killing Steel types who are immune to Toxic Spikes and resist Facade.

Team Mates

Gliscor´s effectiveness in any set is heavily increased with the support of either Tyranitar or Hippowdon who provide Sand Stream for causing excess damage. Tyranitar in particular can take the Ice type attacks aimed at Gliscor with the help of Sandstorm´s Special Defense boost; a Tyranitar carrying Fire Blast can also help against some of main Gliscor´s counters (Bronzong and Skarmory). In terms of synergy, Jirachi is a great teammate, who can manage most of the special attacks aimed at Gliscor, and equally Gliscor can manage Ground typed attacks aimed at Jirachi. Tentacruel is also a valuable partner who offers special bulk and resistances to Water/Ice attacks, for the Torment set Tentacruel is also advised as a partner for providing Toxic Spikes. Magnezone is also a useful partner for the Torment set, it can provide its ability as a Steel trapper and it also carries a useful resistance to Ice attacks, equally Gliscor can handle the Gorund attacks sent at Magnezone. Latios and Virizion should also be considered as they provide good offensive synergy for one of Gliscor´s main threats, Rotom-W.

Other Options

Stealth Rock- Gliscor makes a reliable Pokemon for providing Stealth Rock, however this move can not be used in combination with Poison Heal.

Roost- Gliscor has the option of active recovery with Roost, however Roost can not be used in combination with Poison Heal.

Baton Pass- Gliscor is a reliable Pokemon for supporting a Baton Pass team; with set-up moves like Swords Dance and Rock Polish; supporting moves like Taunt and Substitute; and a helpful role as a status absorber.

U-turn- A valuable option, providing excellent opportunities for scouting.

Counter- An interesting move which can catch opponents off-guard.

Struggle Bug- An option for the Torment set which can add to its effectiveness and annoyance.

Fire Fang- A solid move for hitting pesky Steel types like Ferrothorn, Scizor, Skarmory and Bronzong.

Rock Polish/Agility- Two moves that could help make sweeping notably easier.

Usual Counters

There are numerous Pokemon which could prove to be an issue for Gliscor. In general Steel Pokemon who aren´t hit by Earthquake are Gliscor´s biggest enemies, Bronzong and Skarmory. Bronzong usually carries Hidden Power Ice which is a 2HKO on Gliscor. Skarmory has to beware of Gliscor´s who carry Taunt, but otherwise Skarmory completely walls Gliscor. Gliscor should also be concerned by bulky Water types who can threaten it with special attacks that take advantage of Gliscor´s weaknesses, prime examples are Vaporeon, Slowbro, Rotom-W, and even Gyarados. In particular, Rotom-W and Gyarados are immune to Earthquake and can respectively proceed to set-up/KO Gliscor. Gliscor has to watch out for Pokemon such as Landorus and Mienshao who often carry Hidden Power Ice. Special Attackers that can switch into Gliscor´s Earthquake could also be an issue, like Latios, Latias and Thundurus. Pokemon that carry an Air Balloon could also switch in and set up whilst Gliscor either tries to break the Air Balloon with Ice Fang/Facade or switches out.


Overall, Gliscor is certainly an interesting Pokemon who has overcome the generation shift and has come out on top. With Poison Heal Gliscor´s options and effectiveness are increased further. Gliscor is a valuable physical wall, and can fit perfectly into the majority of teams.

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