07/27/24, 03:18

Lowers the foe's Attack stat. This Pokemon lowers the enemy's Attack one level when it enters battle.

27 pokemon have this ability!

Image: Name: Tier: Abilities:Types: Hp: Atk: Def: SpAtk: SpDef: Speed:
Ekans N/A Intimidate / Shed Skin 35 60 44 40 54 55
Arbok NU Intimidate / Shed Skin 60 85 69 65 79 80
Growlithe N/A Intimidate / Flash Fire 55 70 45 70 50 60
Arcanine UU Intimidate / Flash Fire 90 110 80 100 80 95
Tauros N/A Intimidate / Anger Point 75 100 95 40 70 110
Gyarados OU Intimidate 95 125 79 60 100 81
Snubbull N/A Intimidate / Run Away 60 80 50 40 40 30
Granbull NU Intimidate / Quick Feet 90 120 75 60 60 45
Qwilfish NU Poison Point / Swift Swim 65 95 75 55 55 85
Stantler NU Intimidate / Frisk 73 95 62 85 65 85
Hitmontop NU Intimidate / Technician 50 95 95 35 110 70
Mightyena NU Intimidate / Quick Feet 70 90 70 60 60 70
Masquerain N/A Intimidate 70 60 62 80 82 60
Mawile NU Hyper Cutter / Intimidate 50 85 85 55 55 50
Salamence OU Intimidate 95 135 80 110 80 100
Staravia N/A Intimidate 55 75 50 40 40 80
Staraptor N/A Intimidate 85 120 70 50 50 100
Shinx N/A Rivalry / Intimidate 45 65 34 40 34 45
Luxio N/A Rivalry / Intimidate 60 85 49 60 49 60
Luxray N/A Rivalry / Intimidate 80 120 79 95 79 70
Herdier N/A Intimidate / Sand Rush 65 80 65 35 65 60
Stoutland N/A Intimidate / Sand Rush 85 100 90 45 90 80
Sandile N/A Intimidate / Moxie 50 72 35 35 35 65
Krokorok N/A Intimidate / Moxie 60 82 45 45 45 74
Krookodile N/A Intimidate / Moxie 95 117 70 65 70 92
Scraggy N/A Shed Skin / Moxie 50 75 70 35 70 48
Scrafty N/A Shed Skin / Moxie 65 90 115 45 115 58

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